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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ending the Rhetoric

General Wesley Clark
Dear Supporters,

This month promises to be the most dramatic and important in President Obama's fight for health insurance reform.

For the next thirty days the media, Republicans and far-right pundits trying to break President Obama will declare everything you and I do as a referendum on his health insurance reform plan.

That's why the Democrats' fundraising goal of $1,000,000 before our September 30th deadline is so critical. Meet our goal and the nation will know we stand behind President Obama.

Fail to meet our goal and we will be accused of abandoning him when he needs us most.

Stand with President Obama

I, for one, stand behind my President and I know you do too. And so do other Democratic supporters who have generously stepped up with a special 2-to-1 Matching Gift Challenge for every gift the DCCC receives between today and midnight on September 30th.

Stand with President Obama and contribute $50, $75 or more today and your gift will be matched 2-to-1. For every dollar you give, a group of Democrats will match with two dollars of their own.

That means your contribution will give the DCCC three times the resources to support the Health Care ER -- a hard hitting campaign to counter Republican lies and get the facts on health care reform into the hands of every American.

But DCCC must hear from you before the September 30th Federal Election Commission deadline for fundraising filing. Executive Director Jon Vogel tells me the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is very close to reaching its goal but he needs your help to put them over the top.

Stand with President Obama and contribute $50, $75 or more today and your gift will be matched 2-to-1. For every dollar you give, a group of Democrats will match with two dollars of their own.

I am convinced that DCCC has a smart, sophisticated plan to counter phony grassroots organizations, debunk outrageous claims like death panels, and end the hyperbolic rhetoric that has lead Rush Limbaugh to compare President Obama to Hitler. But the DCCC's success depends upon generous supporters like you.

Stand with President Obama and contribute $50, $75 or more today and your gift will be matched 2-to-1. For every dollar you give, a group of Democrats will match with two dollars of their own.

Many thanks,

Wes Clark
General Wesley Clark

P.S. I urge you to be as generous as possible before September 30th. Let's show the opposition that we're willing to support President Obama now with the same grit and determination that helped elect him last year. Contribute today.

Contribute Forward to your friends

*A group of Democratics will match your donation today. For every dollar that you donate, these Democrats will donate two dollars of their own.

Paid for by Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
430 South Capitol Street, S.E. Washington, D.C. 20003
(202) 863-1500 - www.dccc.org
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee are not tax deductible.

