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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Help Bob McDonnell Win Virginia!



Dear Republican Woman,

As RNC Political Director Gentry Collins mentioned during last week's Women's Program conference call (click here to listen), the upcoming gubernatorial elections in New Jersey and Virginia remain a priority for us here at the RNC.  And we are counting on you to help us win this November!

Call to Action

Please click here and sign up to make phone calls from the comfort of your own home for Virginia gubernatorial candidate Bob McDonnell.  You don't need to be a resident of Virginia to make a difference.  Help Bob McDonnell become the next governor of Virginia today!

Share your campaign experiences with us at RNCwomen.com.  Start a discussion forum, join a group, or blog about your experiences helping the RNC win elections.

Thanks for all that you do.

Jan Larimer
Co-Chairman, Republican National Committee


Republican National Committee | 310 First Street, SE | Washington, D.C. 20003
p: 202.863.8500 | f: 202.863.8820 | e:



Paid for by the Republican National Committee.
310 First Street, SE
- Washington, D.C. 20003 - (202) 863-8500
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee

Copyright 2009 Republican National Committee

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Tell Congress that they can't stop now!

Divided We Fail.org--It's time for Health Care and Financial Security for all


Dear Friend,


Are health care reform efforts on the brink of collapse?

The truth is Americans agree on the principles of reform – and there's too much at stake to let Congress fail.

Tell Congress that they can't stop now!

If you read the news, you've probably heard that no one in Washington can agree on anything when it comes to health care reform.

But the truth is most Americans agree on the principles behind reform. The Divided We Fail coalition is living proof.

Phillip, if business interests can work with labor unions and advocates for older Americans to find common ground on health care, why can't Congress?

It's time to remind Congress that there's too much at stake to let reform fail.

So what's keeping our diverse coalition at the table? Just take a look at the statistics.

  • Without reform, the Medicare Trust Fund will be in the red within the next 10 years.
  • Without reform, health care costs for employers will rise 166% in the next decade alone.
  • Without reform, 14,000 people a day will continue to lose their health insurance and be one major illness away from bankruptcy.

Our coalition is still at the table because the price of failure is unacceptable. If we don't make comprehensive reforms to health care now, then when? That's why we're in this fight for meaningful reform until legislation lands on the president's desk.

Tell Congress that you want to see that same commitment from them.

Thanks for standing with the Divided We Fail coalition.

The Divided We Fail Team

P.S. Don't forget to share this on Facebook or through your Twitter account.

About Divided We Fail

We are committed to protecting your privacy. We do not sell or rent your email address to any other party. See our privacy policy for additional information.

To Unsubscribe from AARP Advocacy e-mails, please click here.

To Unsubscribe from all AARP e-mails or manage your global e-mail preferences (login required), please click here.

Manage the types of email you receive from AARP by visiting the email preferences page.

AARP 601 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20049

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bernie buzz header
Issue September 23, 2009 - http://sanders.senate.gov


"Very likely," Fed Chairman Bernanke ventured. "Don't believe it," Bernie shot back, citing the 26 million Americans who are out of work, stopped hunting for a job or settled for part-time employment. To watch Senator Sanders Unfiltered, click here

Afghanistan "My fear is that we can get sucked into a quagmire like we did in Vietnam and Iraq," the senator said in response to calls for more troops. "We have not been clear about what our goal is in Afghanistan and what our exit strategy is. The alternatives are not simply to pull out tomorrow or put in tens of thousands of more troops." To watch Bernie on Hardball with Chris Matthews, click here.
Dairy Crisis The Justice Department antitrust chief testified at a hearing in Vermont about reports that Dean Foods dominates 70 percent of the New England milk market. Meanwhile, National Farmers Union members came to Capitol Hill to back Bernie's Senate-passed bill to provide an extra $350 million for struggling dairy farmers. To read a Wall Street Journal report on the hearing, click here.
Campaign Finance Conservative Supreme Court justices may overturn curbs on corporations that pour millions of dollars into attempts to influence elections. If that happens, Bernie told CNN's Rick Sanchez, "You're just giving over our democracy to the wealthiest and most powerful institutions in the world. It's going to open the flood gates for corporate money." To watch the interview, click here.
Surveillance Bernie cosponsored Russ Feingold's bill to rescind the immunity given to telecommunications firms that took part in a Bush-era spying program. "We have got to do everything we can to protect the American people from terrorist attacks, but we can do that and uphold the rule of law," Bernie said. To read more, click here.
Social Security Retirees would get a $250 one-time payment next year under a Sanders bill to make up for the lack of a cost-of-living adjustment. "We are in the midst of a major recession and we cannot forget about the serious economic stress that older Americans are living under," he said. The senator's solution was outlined in a floor speech. To watch it, click here.
Health Care "The American people should have a choice about whether they want to stay with their private insurance or go to a public plan, a Medicare-type plan," Bernie said on Countdown with Keith Olbermann. "If you don't have a public option in competition with the private insurance companies, what is going to stop them from raising their rates higher and higher and higher?"
Pentagon Waste Overhauling the way civilian contractors hurt in war zones are cared for could save $250 million a year, a study found. "The current system for providing health insurance and workers compensation for our military contact workers in Iraq and Afghanistan is broken and wasting millions of dollars in payments to companies like AIG," Bernie said. To read more about the investigation, click here.
What do you think? Click here to take our survey on Afghanistan, the economy, health care and energy.

Please do not respond to this email, it is not a monitored email address. If you would like to send Senator Sanders a comment click here.


[tenac] ATTEND!!! Quality Housing Taskforce Strategy Meeting!!!!, Wed., 9/23/09, 6:30-8:00 PM


--- On Mon, 9/21/09, Linda Leaks <leaks_linda@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Linda Leaks <leaks_linda@yahoo.com>
Subject: ATTEND!!! Quality Housing Taskforce Strategy Meeting!!!!
To: leaks_linda@yahoo.com
Date: Monday, September 21, 2009, 4:44 PM

Dear Supporters and Allies,

We Need Your HELP to Say No to Bad Housing Conditions in D.C.

Some People MAKE Change!
Some JUST Complain!


Please JOIN the Taskforce for Improved Housing Conditions!

ATTEND Strategy Meeting
Wed., Sept. 23, 2009
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
1419 V St., NW - WDC
RSVP - 2/234-9119

Tell City Council to Pass the:

Tenant Protection Act of 2009 & The Omnibus Rental Housing Amendment Act of 2009

Some Provisions

*  Require inspection of residential properties to ensure habitability;

*  Permit tenants to sue landlords in Landlord & Tenants Court;

*  Prevent the City from closing occupied rental properties and displacing tenants due to the owner�s failure to maintain the premises in compliance with the D.C. housing and building codes, except in case of emergency when the conditions cannot be rectified; 

SAY NO to Poor Housing Conditions !

Only YOU Can Make The Difference!!

EmpowerDC  234-9119


Join Our Power Phoning Day - Tues., Sept. 22, 2009 Between 8:30 am and 5:45pm!!!

Call CM Muriel Bowser - 724-8052

Ask her to the Quality Housing Legislations out of Committee so that the full Council can vote to eliminate poor housing conditions in the District of Columbia.

TENAC's web site: http://tenac.org
TENAC's Mobalization list archive: http://lists.riseup.net/www/arc/tenac

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A message from Governor David A. Paterson

From the Office of Governor David A. Paterson

Dear Citizen,

     Today�s decision by the Court of Appeals affirming my appointment of Richard Ravitch as our Lieutenant Governor is a victory for all New Yorkers.

     Lieutenant Governor Ravitch is an exemplary public servant and business leader, who has spent his life working on behalf of the people of this State. Time and again he has answered the call to duty, never hesitating to abandon the comforts of private life for the trenches of public service. Thanks to today�s decision, he will be able to serve once again.

     We face serious challenges and this is a time for real leadership. I have asked Lieutenant Governor Ravitch to work on a long-term fiscal recovery plan and to provide recommendations on structural reform of our State�s finances. As we fight our way out of an historic economic crisis, Richard Ravitch�s experience will prove to be invaluable. I look forward to working with the Lieutenant Governor to create jobs, balance our budget, and provide economic security for all New Yorkers.


David A. Paterson
Governor of New York State

This a message from the New York State Executive Chamber, State Capitol, Albany, NY 12224. 
Our privacy policy is available here.
Copyright 2009 New York State. All rights reserved.

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Donate to our 'Let Washington Speak' Silent Auction

DC Vote Working to End Taxation Without Representation
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COD 2009

Donate to our 'Let Washington Speak' Silent Auction

Dear Friends,

We are eagerly anticipating our 2009 Champions of Democracy Award Dinner on Tuesday, October 13. Each year, our silent auction features exciting packages and prizes that generate critical funding for DC Vote's work.

Can you or someone you know donate an item to our 'Let Washington Speak' Silent Auction? Interested, but not sure what you can offer? Here are a few successful items from past events:

  • Dinner party or lunch with a famous Washingtonian (Past examples include Manny Acta, manager of the Washington Nationals, elected officials or performers)
  • Tickets to a local sporting, theater or arts event
  • Gift certificates for meals at quality restaurants

With the historic Senate passage of the DC Voting Rights Act in February, the next few years represent the opportunity of a lifetime to celebrate a big victory for the residents of Washington, DC. Help sustain the movement for DC voting rights by making a donation to the silent auction. Respond to this e-mail with your in-kind contribution or with a suggestion of someone you know to ask for a donation.

The dinner, to be held at the new W Hotel, will attract more than 400 elected officials, community leaders and major donors from the DC metro area. Contributors to the silent auction will be recognized on our Web site and in the silent auction booklet that will be distributed the night of the event.

The deadline for submittal of silent auction items is Wednesday, September 30. Please contact Abby Levine at alevine@dcvote.org or 202.462.6000 x17 with any additional questions.

Thank you!


Ilir Zherka

Ilir Zherka
Executive Director

Content and images copyright � 2003-2009 DC Vote. All rights reserved. CFC #66340. Terms and Conditions
"DC Vote" and "Taxation Without Representation" are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
DC Vote � 2000 P Street, NW, Suite 200 � Washington, DC 20036 � 202.462.6000 � Fax 202.462.7001 � info@dcvote.org

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