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Friday, February 29, 2008

Habitat Extra from Habitat for Humanity International

February 2008 News
Vacations that change lives
Habitat for Humanity's Global Village program, which sponsors short-term house-building projects in more than 40 countries, recruits and coordinates at least 365 teams per year. Volunteers have extraordinary opportunities to see different countries – from Argentina to Vietnam – while helping families truly in need of decent, affordable housing. Check out all the upcoming trips.
Taking up building for Lent
Between now and March 22, nearly 200 volunteers from more than a dozen U.S. church groups will travel to Mexico to build more than 20 Habitat for Humanity houses as part of the second annual Lent Build.
A natural humanitarian
Volunteering on the recent Carter Work Project in Los Angeles obviously made a lasting impression on Ryan Braun, a Milwaukee Brewers player who donated his entire $10,000 bonus as Major League Baseball's 2007 National League Rookie of the Year to Habitat for Humanity. "I knew I was a part of something special," said the young third baseman-turned-left fielder.
Get Involved with Habitat
Help Habitat Keep its AmeriCorps Members
For more than a decade, Habitat has relied on a solid partnership with the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) and its affiliates. Together we have built safe, simple, affordable homes with thousands of families in need. But now the funding for these important national service programs faces steep cuts in the President's 2009 budget proposal to Congress. Please take action now by asking Congress to fully fund the CNCS!
The ripple effect
The ripple effect
New homeowners settle into 29 Habitat houses near Goiania, Brazil, prompting an unforeseen renaissance in the surrounding area.
Q&A: David Minich
The director of Habitat's Global Village program talks about memorable moments and making a worldwide impact.

Housing Statistic

Number of occupied FEMA trailers and mobile homes in Louisiana and Mississippi. (February 2008) 1


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1Source: Federal Emergency Management Agency

To contact us:
Habitat for Humanity International
121 Habitat Street
Americus, GA 31709-3498

©2008 Habitat for Humanity® International. All rights reserved.

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El directorio en línea de la alameda del lanzamiento de prensa hace campaña para una América más sana

http://www.prweb.com/releases/2008/02/prweb726344.htm Las campañas en línea del directorio de la alameda para visitantes más sanos de una América del sitio www.shoppingmalldc.com recibirán no solamente una guía organizada a sus necesidades de las compras, pero una dosis del consejo político también. Washington, C.C. (PRWEB) de febrero el 25 de 2008 - un dueño en línea del directorio de la alameda de compras ha comenzado a usar su influencia y recursos para un propósito más grande. Realizando que su acceso a los millares de visitantes cada día se podría acanalar en avenidas mucho mayores que apenas ventas, él ha comenzado el trabajo para una campaña política y hacia conocimiento constitucional. Encima de esto, su sitio, www.shoppingmalldc.com, anfitriones a las series organizadas de acoplamientos que consumidores directos a una variedad de otros comerciantes, ayudándoles a encontrar exactamente lo que él está buscando. Como mirar el mapa de una alameda del ladrillo y del mortero, los acoplamientos son separados por el género del comercio, permitiendo que dirijan a los visitantes a su opción del almacén para las necesidades de las compras. Un activista político apasionado, dueño Phillip Quiette las ha tomado sobre se para apoyar la campaña de Hillary Clinton mientras que ella intenta hacer el primer presidente femenino en la historia del país. Sin embargo, su género está lejos de su motivador principal; él acuerda completamente con su intento establecer un sistema universal del healthcare para todos los residentes de ESTADOS UNIDOS. Alimentado para arriba con las corporaciones que se aprovechan de la nación pobre y del enfermo para el aumento financiero, él espera ver un futuro donde están capaces todos los ciudadanos de recibir la atención médica sin importar renta o ventajas corporativas. Los visitantes al sitio pueden chascar acoplamientos para colocarse para votar o para donar al fondo de la campaña de Hillary. Aunque los esfuerzos de la campaña son su enchufe actual del activismo político, Phillip ha sido un ciudadano consciente por muchos años. En hecho, en los años 90 tempranos él decidía reescribir la constitución de ESTADOS UNIDOS, alterándolo para caber las necesidades de nuestro país que cambiaba. Después de enviar una copia de la constitución modificada al último Jr. de JFK, él recibió una parte posteriora corregida de la versión del político y del socialite famosos. Aparecía que los dos hombres compartieron mucha de la misma visión para la dirección del clima político de hoy, y esa versión de la constitución actualizada está disponible para leer en el sitio también. Los compradores que pasan a través del sitio en su manera a los productos deseados apreciarán las prácticas de negocio honestas y proactive puestas adelante por el dueño del sitio. Es agradable ver que una compañía utilizarlo es influencia para el bueno, y Phillip espera continuar esta tendencia mientras que el sitio amplía y gana renombre con las masas del Internet. Contacto: Phillip Quiette Alameda De Compras DC.com 301-527-1936 pkq66@erols.com www.shoppingmalldc.com # #

Online Mall Directory Campaigns for a Healthier America - Yahoo! News

Online Mall Directory Campaigns for a Healthier America - Yahoo! News: "Online Mall Directory Campaigns for a Healthier America" Thu Feb 28, 2:01 AM ET Visitors of the site www.shoppingmalldc.com will not only receive an organized guide to their shopping necessities, but a dose of political advice as well. Washington, DC (PRWEB) February 28, 2008 -- An online shopping mall directory owner has begun using his influence and resources for a larger purpose. Realizing that his access to thousands of visitors each day could be channeled into much greater avenues than just sales, he has begun working for a political campaign and towards constitutional awareness. On top of this, his site, www.shoppingmalldc.com, hosts an organized series of links that direct consumers to a variety of other merchants, helping them find exactly what they're looking for. Much like looking at the map of a brick and mortar mall, the links are separated by genre of commerce, allowing visitors to be guided to their choice of store for shopping needs. A passionate political activist, owner Phillip Quiette has taken it upon himself to support the campaign of Hillary Clinton as she seeks to become the first female president in the country's history. However, her gender is far from his main motivator; he fully agrees with her intent to establish a universal healthcare system for all U.S. residents. Fed up with corporations that take advantage of the nation's poor and sick for financial gain, he hopes to see a future where all citizens are able to receive medical attention regardless of income or corporate benefits. Visitors to the site can click links to register to vote or donate to the Hillary campaign fund. Though the campaign efforts are his current outlet of political activism, Phillip has been a conscious citizen for many years. In fact, in the early 90's he decided to rewrite the U.S. constitution, altering it to fit the needs of our changing country. After sending a copy of the modified constitution to the late JFK Jr., he received an edited version back from the famous politician and socialite. It appeared the two men shared much of the same vision for the direction of today's political climate, and that version of the updated constitution is available for reading on the site as well. Shoppers that pass through the site on their way to desired products will appreciate the honest and proactive business practices put forth by the site owner. It's nice to see a company use it's influence for good, and Phillip hopes to continue this trend as the site expands and gains popularity with the Internet masses. Contact: Phillip Quiette Shopping Mall DC 301-527-1936 www.shoppingmalldc.com http://www.prweb.com/releases/2008/02/prweb726344.htm http://www.sanepr.com:80/Online-Mall-Directory-Campaigns-for-a-Healthier-America_36224.cfm

FACTBOX-U.S. presidential candidates on Russia - Yahoo! News UK

FACTBOX-U.S. presidential candidates on Russia - Yahoo! News UK: "FACTBOX-U.S. presidential candidates on Russia" (Reuters) - The U.S. presidential candidates have all questioned Russian President Vladimir Putin's selection of Dmitry Medvedev as his successor. Here are some of their recent comments. DEMOCRATIC SEN. HILLARY CLINTON: At a Democratic debate on Tuesday, the New York senator stumbled over Medvedev's name while predicting he would not be an independent leader. "Medvedev -- whatever," she finally said. "I can tell you that he's a hand-picked successor, that he is someone who is obviously being installed by Putin, who Putin can control, who has very little independence. "This is a clever but transparent way for Putin to hold on to power, and it raises serious issues about how we're going to deal with Russia going forward." DEMOCRATIC SEN. BARACK OBAMA: At the same debate, the Illinois senator did not try to pronounce Medvedev's name, but said the new leader "is somebody who was hand-picked by Putin." "Putin has been very clear that he will continue to have the strongest hand in Russia in terms of running the government," he said. REPUBLICAN SEN. JOHN MCCAIN: The Arizona senator, long critical of Putin, had harsh words for the Russian leader on February 15. "I think that Mr. Putin is trying to restore the old Russian empire. Obviously he is perpetuating himself in power in Russia virtually indefinitely by this setup of having basically a protege, someone who is doing his bidding as president while he serves as the prime minister," McCain said. "We knew the puppet show was going on, we just didn't know who the puppet was." (To read more about the U.S. political campaign, visit Reuters "Tales from the Trail: 2008" online at http://blogs.reuters.com/trail08/) (Reporting by Jeff Mason and Steve Holland; Editing by Eric Beech)



Wanted to take a break from work to reach you quickly. Big FEC deadline tonight at midnight. We know we need to win the White House. But, we also need to lay the foundation for our Democratic nominee.

Beating Republicans that sat like bumps on logs while Bush ran amuck for seven years is a huge part of the puzzle. It's clear this race is going to be between Republican despair and Democratic energy. But at the end of the day you know they'll be flush with right-wing cash from the top of the ticket down. That's why you've got to give today to the DCCC before the February FEC deadline and House Democrats will match your gift.

Act now before midnight at www.dccc.org/february

James Carville





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Paid for by Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
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Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Contributions to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee are not tax deductible.

Hispanics Expand the Presidential Landscape

Hispanic Leadership Wire

Dear Phillip,

Many of you have inquired about recent Hispanic voting trends throughout this presidential primary cycle. The DNC is proud of the record-breaking turnout in state after state. Moreover, where Hispanics once influenced small regions of the country, we are now impacting a much broader portion of the electoral map in key states like Arizona, Nevada, Virginia and Texas to name a few.

Today the question is no longer whether the sleeping giant has awakened. Today's question is where Hispanics will not play a role in electing the next president of the United States. One thing is for certain; just four years ago, pundits could only cite New Mexico as a battleground state where Hispanics could impact the outcome of the race. Make no mistake; November 2008 will be the year of the Hispanic voter where the outcomes in states like Nevada, Virginia, Colorado and Minnesota will hinge on the Hispanic vote.

Our next edition of the DNC Hispanic Leadership Wire will provide you a more thorough analysis of Hispanic electoral voting trends during the presidential primary.

Hispanic Republicans Flocking to the Democratic Party
When will the Republican Party get the message? Much has been reported about the anti-immigrant rhetoric that plagued the Republican presidential primary. Despite witnessing their majorities in both chambers of Congress evaporate, the Republican presidential candidates didn't quite get the message. What do these men have in common? Whether we're talking about Tom Tancredo, Fred Thompson, Duncan Hunter or Mike Huckabee... they all lost.

The last man standing is Senator John McCain, who was absent during the most recent efforts by the Senate to push through comprehensive immigration reform. The Senator from Arizona's so-called Straight Talk Express took a wrong turn last year and instead focused on shifting his position to appease the racist wing of the Republican Party.

DNC Hispanic Leadership Council
In 2004 Governor Howard Dean's presidential campaign revolutionized the phenomenon of online organizing. Aided by Hispanic leaders, the DNC re-launched the DNC Hispanic Leadership Council in 2008. The DNC Hispanic Leadership Council recognizes the loyalty, dedication, and generous contributions of the Hispanic community to the Democratic Party.

Council members are a dynamic group of Hispanic professionals, entrepreneurs, activists, and community leaders who represent citizens of Hispanic descent across the nation. The Council's Board and membership are committed to the following goals:

  • Maximize investments from the Hispanic community in the DNC and the Democratic Party;

  • Advance the shared ideals and values of the Democratic Party and the Hispanic community;

  • Encourage and increase the participation of the Hispanic community in Democratic politics and the electoral process (including running for office).

In the 2008 election cycle, the Council will directly advise and support the DNC's efforts to strengthen and expand the Democratic Party and elect a Democratic President.

For more information or if you wish to get involved in this effort, contact Albert Morales at MoralesA@dnc.org.

Democratic Convention Launches New Website
DNCC Launches New Convention Website Furthering its commitment to engage a broad spectrum of communities in new and creative ways, the Democratic National Convention Committee (DNCC) recently unveiled its new website at www.DemConvention.com featuring a dynamic new look and including extensive Spanish language content. The website will be the cornerstone of the 2008 Democratic National Convention's online communications efforts, combining technology from a variety of platforms to engage constituencies in Denver and across the country in meaningful and innovative ways in the lead up to and during Convention week - August 25-28, 2008.

Voting Rights Institute
Hispanic Task Force on Voting Rights
The DNC's National Lawyers Council (NLC) is recruiting volunteers in all fifty states to ensure that every eligible voter has an opportunity to cast their ballot and know that it counts. The NLC will focus special attention to needs of Hispanic voters who are increasingly targets of suppression and intimidation tactics. With close elections becoming more common and Republican dirty tricks becoming more sophisticated, the NLC is building on its 2004 and 2006 successes NOW to develop the most robust national network of voting rights activists.

Integrating plans with the national, state, and local party, the NLC works to promote voting and to identify and combat potential problems. Lawyers are involved in a variety of projects including monitoring election administration, working with local boards of elections to make voting more accessible, and creating up-to-date election manuals and strategy memos for targeted voter protection efforts. Please let us know if you are bilingual. To get involved sign up at http://www.democrats.org/nlc or contact DNC Deputy Political Director for Voter Protection, Anna Martinez at MartinezA@dnc.org.

Andres Ramirez Joins NDN as Vice President of Hispanic Programs
Our congratulations goes to a rising star within the Democratic Party. Andres Ramirez recently joined NDN as their new Vice President of Hispanic Programs. Andres has big shoes to fill as he takes the reins from Joe Garcia who formerly headed that effort. Joe has taken on the fight in his home town of Miami, Florida where he is running for Congress against Mario Diaz-Balart.

More recently, Andres served as Outreach Director for the Nevada State Democratic Party where he was responsible for helping implement the 2008 Nevada Democratic Presidential Caucuses, and creating a plan for engaging and mobilizing Latinos in the Caucus. We wish him well in this new endeavor.

The DNC is Recruiting Interns
The DNC is currently accepting applications for our summer 2008 internship session. With the Presidential Election ahead, the DNC is a busy and vibrant place. Interns are a vital part of the team at the DNC and work in all departments. This exciting and enriching experience in politics is an opportunity to get an insider's view of the Democratic Party and to make valuable life long connections.

The DNC internship program encompasses every department! Our interns are placed in various departments, including the Internet, Finance, Communications, Political, Research and American Majority Partnership.

Get your application in now! Applications for the summer session are due on March 15th. Please visit the DNC website at http://www.democrats.org/interns for an application and to learn more.

Please give us your feedback
The DNC is eager to reclaim the White House and provide a new direction for America. Our staff is busy working with our state parties to ensure we are ready to hit the ground running once we have a nominee. Your feedback on grassroots activities we can implement around the convention and ultimately Election Day are essential to our victory in November. Send us your thoughts and ideas at MoralesA@dnc.org.

Democratically yours,
Albert Morales

Make a Contribution

Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee, www.democrats.org.
This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington, DC 20003

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Presidential campaigns joust across Texas | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Presidential campaigns joust across Texas | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle: "Presidential campaigns joust across Texas Bill Clinton and Ethel Kennedy appear in Houston as McCain stumps elsewhere in state" By LISA SANDBERG and ALAN BERNSTEIN Copyright 2008 Houston Chronicle Framing the Democratic presidential primary in Texas as a referendum on pocketbook issues, Barack Obama took a populist approach to his campaign Wednesday and former President Clinton spoke in kind on behalf of his wife. Republican contender John McCain, meanwhile, used a Texas appearance to look beyond his contest Tuesday against Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul. "Everywhere I go people report it being harder just to get by," Obama said at a rally in Duncanville, near Dallas. "It has never been harder to save money and never been harder to retire," he told a crowd at a high school sports arena. "Our health care system leaves 47 million people without health care. Our education system leaves millions of people behind, unable to compete." The Illinois senator promised to raise the minimum wage to keep pace with inflation. He proposed rescinding tax breaks for companies that invest overseas and giving them to companies that invest domestically. And he promised tax relief to middle-class families earning $75,000 a year or less. "We are at a defining moment in our history, Dallas. Our nation is at war, our planet is in peril, and the dream the greatest generation fought for is slowly slipping away," Obama said. With Democrat Hillary Clinton campaigning in Ohio, President Clinton spread a populist message across Houston as the widow and son of Democrat Robert F. Kennedy rallied Obama supporters here. The contest of the Clintons versus the Kennedys played out largely in front of Hispanic audiences. Thirty years after the Moody Park riot, in which Hispanics clashed with police, Clinton tried to appeal to the working class values of the audience of about 250 people at the park. He said Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York will "take the money away from the nuclear power companies and the oil companies" and invest it in environmentally friendly projects that will make Houston more efficient and create jobs. The ex-president also railed against health insurance companies, saying they "charge you an arm and a leg for premiums" and then spend huge amounts of money on bureaucracies designed to deny medical claims. "If you want to fix it, Hillary is the only choice for president" because her health care plan is designed to provide medical insurance for everyone, he said. The gathering included a mariachi band next to the gazebo where Clinton spoke. State Sen. Mario Gallegos introduced Clinton in a mix of Spanish and English. Students from Clemente Martinez Elementary School waved signs saying, "We've got your back, Hillary." On the south end of downtown, Ethel Kennedy shook hands with dozens of volunteers at an Obama campaign office and said she found him to be a caring candidate and dynamic speaker. "We are so lucky to have such an incredible candidate," she said. "He's so centered. He really cares about people who have been left in the shadows." Moments before Ethel Kennedy and son Max spoke, three labor union locals, Service Employees International Union Local 1, United Food and Commercial Workers International Union Local 770 and the Transport Workers Union Local 556, endorsed Obama at a news conference in the parking lot. Later in the day, Clinton emphasized multiculturalism more and economic class differences less in a speech in the Asia Town area in far southwest Houston. Standing in the bed of a pickup truck, he emphasized comparisons between his wife and Obama by telling the outdoor audience of about 500, "A lot of people in this audience believe you can make change if you have experience." He was introduced by state Rep. Hubert Vo and former Houston Councilman Gordon Quan. In San Antonio, McCain said he hopes to capture the GOP nomination on Tuesday with Texas' help. He said the general election would be a straightforward contest between a conservative and a liberal candidate, with the debate being over fundamental philosophical differences, from taxes to the war in Iraq. A series of questions from his audience ended with this one: How would you balance the need for border security and individual property rights? "This meeting is adjourned," he joked. He then insisted that border security should be the first step in immigration reform. There should be agreements between landowners and the federal government, he said. Houston Chronicle reporter Dale Lezon contributed to this report. Lisa Sandberg reported from Duncanville. alan.bernstein@chron.com lsandberg@express-news.net

Free Training Sessions with Expo Only Registration


GovSec, U.S. Law and Ready

April 23 - 24, 2008
Walter E. Washington Convention Center * Washington, DC





Every security professional knows the best defense is staying one step ahead of the bad guys.  Whether they are hacking your IT system or testing your physical defenses for weaknesses, GovSec, U.S. Law and Ready is dedicated to bring you the best training available...free!


Register today for the Conference or Expo Only with Registration Code TRAINING and you'll have access to these FREE Training sessions:


What Your Employees Need to Know About Information Security

Wednesday, April 23 1:00pm - 1:50pm

Presented by  
Faculty: Louis Numkin, CISM, IT Security Officer, Internal Revenue Service; Susan Hansche, CISSP-ISSEP, IA Training Program Manager, Department of State/Nortel Government Solutions
Unwitting employees, as well as intentional insider threats exist in every organization.  The Federal Information Systems Security Educators' Association (FISSEA) will share the latest information to increase your employees' awareness of potential computer attacks, how to recognize them and what to do if one is suspected.


D*I*C*E Security Awareness Briefing

Wednesday, April 23 2:00pm - 2:50pm

Presented by
Faculty: Ray Semko, presenter of D*I*C*E (Defensive Information to Counter Espionage) Briefings Ray Semko
Ray Semko's objective is to help your employees recognize America's adversaries, their targets and methods of operation and how to prevent these adversaries from exploiting our nation's security and your company's security by effectively protecting classified, proprietary and sensitive information. 


Information Assurance for Executives

Thursday, April 24 9:00am - 10:30am

Presented by  
Bureau of Diplomatic Security
IA for Executives is an overview of federal information systems and their vulnerabilities, threats, impact of, exploitation and countermeasures.  Case studies and lessons learned are used to emphasize the critical role of executive-level leadership in protecting federal information and information systems.


Information Assurance for Senior-Level Managers

Thursday, April 24 1:00pm - 5:00pm
Presented by  
Bureau of Diplomatic Security

This session provides senior-level managers with the knowledge and skills necessary to evaluate the components of an information assurance program in regard to critical business functions and federal security requirements.  It reviews guidance concerning federal information security regulations and policies and procedures.


Interested in more training? 

Visit http://www.govsecinfo.com/conference-4.html to see all of the sessions offered.




Click here to register and use Registration Code: TRAINING


Official Publications:

Defense Systems          Security Products
Produced By:
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Thursday, April 24
8:00am - 12:00pm


Dialog with a Dictator: Coming Face-to-Face with Saddam Hussein

Terrorist Watch   Saddam Hussein

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Faculty: George Piro, Supervisory Special Agent, FBI

Presented by:

InfraGard - Nation's Capital Chapter


Federal Bureau of Investigation

To view our privacy policy, visit: http://www.1105media.com/privacy.html
The Government Information Group is a division of 1105 Media, 3141 Fairview Park Drive, Suite 777, Falls Church, VA 22042

US Mint Rejects Taxation Without Representation Quarter Design


DC Vote Working to End Taxation Without Representation
Donate Now Shop DC Vote Contact Us Search

Dear Phillip:

Tom Toles Cartoon, February 28, 2008

Yesterday, the U.S. Mint rejected the DC Government's proposal to include the words "Taxation Without Representation" on the DC quarter. The blog DCist has complete coverage of the story.

Editorial cartoonist Tom Toles of the Washington Post summed up our reaction better than words ever could. Click here or on the image to the right to see the full cartoon.

In its rejection letter, the Mint wrote that it "looks forward to working with District officials to develop narratives that will lead to a quarter honoring the District of Columbia of which the entire Nation can be proud."

It is precisely because the nation should be ashamed of Taxation Without Representation in our nation's capital that many DC residents wanted those words on the DC quarter. Since the Mint won't let us spread the word, let's do it ourselves.

Please forward this email, Tom Toles' cartoon, and news articles about the injustice of taxation without representation and the DC quarter to your friends and family outside of DC. Ask them to send a letter to their Senator calling for an end to the denial of democracy in the District and urging passage of the DC Voting Rights Act.

Ask them to send more than their two cents of an opinion to their Senators ... ask them to send a quarter's worth.


Ilir Zherka
Executive Director

P.S. Please donate to DC Vote today. Your critical contribution sustains our education and advocacy work on initiatives like the DC quarter design and supports our national public awareness campaign efforts, including our upcoming trip to Oregon. Donations can be made through our secure Web site. Together we can educate the states about DC's disenfranchisement!

Content and images copyright © 2003-2008 DC Vote. All rights reserved. CFC #66340. Terms and Conditions
"DC Vote" and "Taxation Without Representation" are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
DC Vote · 2000 P Street, NW, Suite 200 · Washington, DC 20036 · 202.462.6000 · Fax 202.462.7001 · info@dcvote.org
