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Tuesday, November 30, 2010



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ENDS 09/30/2009  HURRY IN!!!








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Zach Braff & Health Care

1 PM
Subject: Zach Braff & Health Care

Dear Supporters,

Zach Braff & Donald Faison Demand Health Care They may play fake doctors on TV, but in real life Zach Braff and Donald Faison from Scrubs helped us create our first major television ad about health care.

The ad will start airing tonight around the country, but we wanted to give Rock the Vote members a first look...

Check out our new health care ad.

At the same time our ad is going live, President Obama will be addressing Congress and the country about health insurance reform.

Congress just got back from their "recess" and our Representatives are starting to make decisions about what kind of health care the American people should have. We must make sure that young adults and their needs are taken into account.

That's why Zach and Donald helped with this ad - so we can spread the word about what's at stake and make it easy for the millions of young Americans to have their say.

Watch the ad and take action now!

Seriously, life happens...a bike accident, breaking your arm, catching a cold, the clap, swine flu, asthma, a bad allergy, peeing blood (!).

I'm lucky that I have good health insurance and can go to a doctor if anything happens. Unfortunately, a lot of young people don't and they get screwed by a broken system.

We are in the final stretch in this fight for quality, affordable health care. Young Americans have the most to gain from real reform - and the most to lose if it fails. We must step up and say "Yes, we care!" and demand health care reform today.

Now is the time to speak up and be heard.

Thank you,

Dell Canada Inc

Crisis in Iran.


Dear Iran ElectionsFriends,

Young Iranians have taken to the streets to make their voices heard. Stand with them in their fight for basic human rights.

This week, voters in Iran led an uprising at the polls, but vote suppression and fraud has cast the results into serious doubt. And now people are dying in the streets and in university dorms to have their votes counted.

Sign our statement of support in solidarity with the Iranian people who want free and fair elections.

"I stand with young people in Iran and across the world in support of free and fair elections and against voter suppression and censorship."

Last November, we were free to dance in the streets or stew at a bar. We could text our friends and update our Facebook status. We could get uncensored news online and on TV. It was a free and fair election. Votes were counted and our country had a peaceful transition of power. Right now it's the opposite in Iran, there is no free flow of information - text messaging is turned off, Facebook is disabled, journalists are being told they risk dangerous consequences for filming the protests. This is nothing less than a fight for democracy and basic human rights.

Our generation is leading a young voter revolution at home and abroad, and we will not let oppression get in our way. Show your support for the young voters in Iran.

Go to our website sign our statement of support and then upload your message to young Iranians through videos, pictures and text.

You can also get an image of support to post on your Facebook and Twitter profile pictures. (At Rock the Vote, we've already changed ours.)

We will compile your messages and get them to young people in Iran. (Trust us. We know people.)

We stand in solidarity with those protesting and dying for fair elections, free speech and a life free of oppression. I hope you will, too.

Rock the world,




Volunteer This Week and Receive a Free I Am DC T-shirt!

DC Vote Working to End Taxation Without Representation
Donate Now Shop DC Vote Contact Us Search

Dear Supporters:

As we busily prepare for our I Am DC Advocacy Day and our Champions of Democracy Awards Dinner, every extra hand will help! Please see the opportunities below and RSVP today.

1) Help enter data into our system. We have hundreds of signatures from being out and about at community events this month. No prior knowledge is needed - we will train you on everything you need to know. Shifts this week are on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:30 AM - noon and 1:30 - 4:30 PM at our office, 2000 P Street, NW, Suite 200.

2) Call DC Vote supporters to invite them to 2009 Champions of Democracy. We will be calling our supporters to ensure they received the invitation and encourage them to respond. Please join us for a calling party at our office. Training and a pizza dinner will be provided - no prior experience is needed. The calling party will take place on Thursday, October 1 from 5:30 - 8:00 PM.

E-mail me at alevine@dcvote.org to sign up for one or both of these opportunities. Both are at our office - 2000 P Street, NW, Suite 200. All volunteers will receive our hot-off-the-presses I Am DC; I Demand the Vote t-shirts!

Feel free to forward this on to others or bring a friend - the more the merrier! For additional information you can call me at 202.462.6000 x17.


Abby Levine
Program Manager

P.S. Don't forget to mark your calendars and RSVP for I Am DC Advocacy Day on Monday, October 5 and Champions of Democracy on Tuesday, October 13!

Content and images copyright � 2003-2009 DC Vote. All rights reserved. CFC #66340. Terms and Conditions
"DC Vote" and "Taxation Without Representation" are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
DC Vote � 2000 P Street, NW, Suite 200 � Washington, DC 20036 � 202.462.6000 � Fax 202.462.7001 � info@dcvote.org




*** Deadline Midnight TOMORROW -- ONLY $134,109 TO GO. CONTRIBUTE NOW. ***

Back in Tennessee there's an old saying:  When you have the facts on your side, argue the facts.  When you have the law on your side, argue the law. When you have neither, holler.

That pretty much defines the Republican opposition to President Obama's agenda for change - a whole lot of hollering to obscure their real goal, which is to prevent him and Congress from achieving important gains like climate change legislation and health care reform.

We must resist these attempts to destroy our hopes for real change with the same passion that elected President Obama. I remember all too well how this same strategy to deliberately obstruct President Clinton's agenda led to the Republican takeover of Congress in 1994.

We cannot afford to let that happen in 2010. And that's why I'm imploring you to stand with President Obama and our Democrats in Congress at this critical time before our deadline MIDNIGHT tomorrow.

Contribute Today

Contribute $50, $75 or more before MIDNIGHT tomorrow and Democratic leaders have offered to match your gift two dollars for every dollar.

I urge you to make a generous contribution to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee before our MIDNIGHT deadline tomorrow. Democratic leaders have offered to match your gift dollar-for-dollar if it is received before the deadline.

Don't let Republicans succeed this time. What you do today really matters.

Contribute $50, $75 or more before MIDNIGHT tomorrow and Democratic leaders have offered to match your gift two dollars for every dollar.

Just like the election of President Barack Obama was in your hands last November, the ability to defend our Democratic Majority in Congress in 2010 depends on your willingness to pitch in now with the same intensity and desire for change.

President Obama needs you to keep on fighting at his side for a better, fairer, and more forward-thinking America - for green energy and for health care reform. It's as simple as that.

Remember, Republicans orchestrated a takeover of Congress in 1994 with the same strategy of obstructionism and nay-saying. They can only do it again if we let them. I'm totally dedicated to supporting President Obama and our Democrats in Congress at this critical time. I hope I can count on you to do the same. Thank you.

Contribute $50, $75 or more before MIDNIGHT tomorrow and Democratic leaders have offered to match your gift two dollars for every dollar.


Al Gore
Al Gore

Contribute Forward to your friends

*A group of Democrats will match your donation today. For every dollar that you donate, these Democrats will donate two dollars of their own.


Paid for by Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
430 South Capitol Street, S.E. Washington, D.C. 20003
(202) 863-1500 - www.dccc.org
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee are not tax deductible.


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Disabilities Update

Family Structure Affects Care of Disabled Elderly Parents

Since the 1970s there have been profound changes in family structure in the United States that have the potential to alter the care received by disabled elderly parents from their children, according to a study by Barbara Steinberg Schone, Ph.D., of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, and colleagues. They used data from the Asset and Health Dynamics Among the Oldest Old survey to estimate the joint probabilities that an adult child provides time and/or cash transfers to a parent.

The estimates suggest significant detrimental effects of parental divorce and step relationships on support of disabled elderly parents. Children with parents who remarried were less likely to provide cash transfers and more likely to have a parent who was in a nursing home. For example, children were significantly less likely to provide care to their disabled parent if the parent was divorced versus widowed. Children of divorced parents were about half as likely as children of widowed parents to co-reside with a parent and their parents were more likely to live alone or in a nursing home.

Biological children with no siblings were four times more likely than single stepchildren to provide time (26 vs. 7.7 percent) or cash (13.5 vs. 2.9 percent) to their disabled parents. Also, stepchildren were significantly less likely than biological children to co-reside with the parent (1.8 vs. 7.9 percent) and more likely to have a parent living alone or in a nursing home (63.6 vs. 60.6 percent and 10.6 vs. 7.5 percent, respectively). Children in traditional nuclear families were significantly more likely to provide cash and time transfers than children in blended families (with stepchildren). Similarly, children of parents in blended families were less likely to co-reside with the parent and slightly more likely to have their parent live with other relatives or nonrelatives than children in traditional nuclear families, suggesting that the sibling network also matters.

For the abstract of the article, Parental marital disruption, family type, and transfers to disabled elderly parents, go to: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19092044

For other inquiries, Contact Us.

If you have questions about AHRQ's activities, please try to find the answers by checking our Home Page, where we have established links to various topical areas. Also check the News & Information section and Frequently Asked Questions. You may also Search or Browse the Web Site. These features are designed to assist you in obtaining the information you are seeking.

This service is provided to you at no charge by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) · 540 Gaither Road · Rockville MD 20850 · 301-427-1364

CWI Medical, LLC Main Banner - Thousands of Health Care Products

Call 'em out: John Boehner

The Democratic Party

As the Republican leader in the U.S. House of Representatives, John Boehner could use his important position to forge honest consensus around reforms that most Americans overwhelmingly support. Sadly, Boehner is choosing to be a leading peddler of health reform lies instead.

When Boehner repeated his claim that reform would result in a government takeover of health care, it was clear he's been too busy trying to score political points to read the overwhelming evidence -- including a post from the non-partisan FactCheck.org -- debunking this claim.

And cruelly scaring seniors with lies about benefit cuts, even though his own party voted to gut Medicare? On his side of the aisle, that's become standard operating procedure.

Then of course there's Boehner's blatant lie that reform will provide taxpayer-funded abortions, a claim rejected even by groups that oppose abortion. His lies have been thoroughly debunked, but John Boehner just won't stop -- so we're calling him out.

Call 'em Out: John Boehner. Watch the video, spread the word, write a letter.

"Call 'em out" is our new campaign to expose Republican officials who lie about health reform, and we've got the attention of the media and GOP politicians alike. MSNBC noted that Democrats were going on the offensive, and thousands of folks like you called Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty and told him to stop lying about reform.

Now it's John Boehner's turn. Share our video about how Boehner won't tell the truth about reform. Spread the word to your friends on Twitter and Facebook. Write a letter to the editor setting the record straight.

While thousands of Americans go without desperately needed care and millions more wonder if their coverage will be there if they get sick, John Boehner's only "plan" is to lie and spread falsehoods to score political points.

We're not going to take it. We're calling him out:


Keep up the fight,


Jen O'Malley Dillon
Executive Director
Democratic National Committee

Please donate

Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee, www.democrats.org.
This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington, DC 20003

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

OSSE Proposes 5 Disability-Related Rules/Polices

Dear Disability Rights Protection Act supporters:


The DC Office of the State Superintendent of Education has just released 5 proposed regulations/policies for public comment related to early intervention, child find, early childhood transition, secondary transition, and state complaints regarding special education, available at http://bit.ly/fwuCz.


They will hold 2 public hearings on the proposals in October, and are accepting public comment through late October. OSSE's full notice is below.


Please be sure to share this important information with anyone who may be interested! Many thanks and all the best, T.J. Sutcliffe, The Arc of DC









Thursday, October 8, 2009

51 N. Street, NE, Lower Level

Washington, DC 20002

6:00pm – 8:00 pm


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

441 4th Street, NW, Old Council Chambers

1st Floor South, Washington, DC 20001

6:00pm – 8:00 pm


The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE), Department of Special Education will hold two public hearings to discuss a proposed regulation governing early intervention services for children from birth through two (2) years of age referred to as "Part C Early Intervention Services;" and a proposed policy with regard to the identity of children in the District of Columbia who may be eligible for early intervention services or special education services, referred to as a "Comprehensive Child Find Policy." The OSSE, as the lead agency for early intervention services, is responsible for a statewide system of coordinated, comprehensive, multidisciplinary, interagency programming that provides appropriate early intervention services to all infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families. Additionally, the OSSE is required to ensure that children within the District of Columbia from birth through 21 suspected of needing early intervention or special education and related services are identified, located, and referred for evaluation in a timely manner.


1. Part C Early Intervention Services, Title 5, Chapter A32 (posted for public comment on Friday, September 18, 2009 and closes on Monday, October 19, 2009):


The purpose of the District of Columbia's Part C regulations being proposed in conformance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C. §1400 et seq. (IDEA) is to establish standards for the operation of the Office of the State Superintendent of Education, Department of Special Education, DC Early Intervention Program (Program), including family eligibility and cost participation for early intervention services based upon the Federal Poverty Guidelines.


2. Comprehensive Child Find Policy (posted on the OSSE website):


Child Find is a continuous process of public awareness activities, screening, and evaluation designed to locate, identify, and refer all children with disabilities as early as possible. Child Find targets children ages birth through 2.8 years old in need of early intervention services (Part C); children ages 2.8 through 21 in need of special education and related services (Part B); and their families under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C. §1400, et seq. (IDEA). Children must meet eligibility criteria according to the IDEA and state guidelines to receive services. The IDEA requires all states and the District of Columbia to have a "comprehensive Child Find system" to assure that all children who are in need of early intervention or special education services are located, identified and referred.


3. Early Childhood Transition Policy (posted on the OSSE website):

The OSSE must have policies and procedures in effect to ensure that Local Education Agencies (LEAs) participate in the collaborative process required to transition eligible children from Part C early intervention services to Part B special education preschool or other programs with appropriate services. This proposed policy serves to clarify what is required of all LEAs regarding early childhood transition requirements as required in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 2004 and its implementing federal regulations.


4. Secondary Transition Policy (posted on the OSSE website):

The IDEA and DCMR clearly identify the roles and responsibilities of all LEAs to adequately prepare students with disabilities for postsecondary education, vocational education, integrated employment (including supported employment), continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living, or community participation upon graduating or exiting high school. Furthermore, IDEA requires all LEAs to have in effect, by the student's 16th birthday, or younger if determined appropriate by the Individualized Education Program (IEP) Team, a coordinated set of activities that is results-oriented and focuses on improving the academic and functional achievement of the student. This proposed policy serves to clarify what is required of all LEA) in order to ensure that the District of Columbia has in place secondary transition policies and procedures as required by the IDE) 2004, its implementing federal regulations, and Title 5, Chapter 30 of the DCMR.


5. State Complaints Policy (posted on the OSSE website):

The State Complaint Office (SCO) of the OSSE will investigate and resolve complaints that allege a violation of Part B of IDEA or the District of Columbia's laws and policies regarding special education. The IDEA, 34 CFR § 303.510 through § 303.512 also require the lead agency for Part C of the IDEA to adopt written procedures for resolving any complaint that alleges a violation of Part C of the IDEA by a public agency or private service provider. The OSSE is the lead agency for Part C in the District of Columbia. This proposed policy and procedures is intended to govern complaints alleging violations of both Part B and Part C of the IDEA, unless indicated otherwise.


Persons wishing to review these proposals may access them on the OSSE webpage at www.osse.dc.gov under the special education program link on September 15, 2009. The proposed Part C Early Intervention Services regulations will also be published for comment in the District of Columbia Register (DCR) as noted. If you need assistance with accessing the proposed regulations or policies please contact Desiree Brown, State Advisory Panel Coordinator and Community Outreach Specialist, at 202-741-0271or by e-mail at desiree.brown@dc.gov.


Individuals wishing to testify at one of the hearings should contact Desiree Brown, State Advisory Panel Coordinator and Community Outreach Specialist, at 202-741-0271 or by e-mail at desiree.brown@dc.gov no later than 5 PM on October 7, 2009. Each person presenting verbal testimony will be limited to five (5) minutes in an effort to allow all individuals an opportunity to be heard. Individuals representing an organization will be limited to seven (7) minutes total presentation time.


Individuals who wish to submit their comments as part of the official record, should send copies of written testimony and statements no later than 5 PM on Monday, October 19, 2009 to: Desiree Brown Office of the State Superintendent of Education, Department of Special Education, 51 N Street, NE 7th Floor, Washington, DC 20002 or e-mail to osse.publiccomment@dc.gov


Individuals who do not register with the OSSE prior to the hearing may testify based upon a first come-first-serve basis as time permits within the time frames announced for each meeting. On-site assistance with registration will be available prior to each hearing. Individuals may request an accommodation for a physical disability or language access to participate in the public hearing by contacting Desiree Brown no later than 5 PM on October 1, 2009.


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RSVP Today: DC Vote's I Am DC Advocacy Day

DC Vote Working to End Taxation Without Representation
Donate Now Shop DC Vote Contact Us Search

Dear Supporters:

Just One Week Until I Am DC Advocacy Day?RSVP Today!

Join us on Monday, October 5 from 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM at the Cannon Caucus Room, Cannon House Office Building 345, for I Am DC Advocacy Day. We will host a short rally with DC residents and local elected officials. We will then drop off post cards from DC residents demanding the vote while urging Congress to pass the DC Voting Rights Act (H.R.157/S.160) without harmful amendments.

Join Us October 5 for I Am DC Advocacy Day

RSVP today using our online form. Participants will get a free I Am DC t-shirt and a light breakfast will be served.

We need your support! Please bring a group to the event, post the event information on your Web site or sign up to lead a team of volunteers at the event. Download the printable I Am DC Advocacy Day flyer here. (PDF 1.6MB)

If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Matson at jmatson@dcvote.org or 202.462.6000 x18.

We look forward to seeing you on October 5!

Eugene D. Kinlow
Public Affairs Director

P.S. Are you a proud Washingtonian who demands the vote? Join us on I Am DC Advocacy Day and get a free I Am DC; I Demand the Vote t-shirt! You won't find this exclusive t-shirt anywhere else! Join us on October 5 and get your t-shirt compliments of DC Vote.

Content and images copyright ? 2003-2009 DC Vote. All rights reserved. CFC #66340. Terms and Conditions
"DC Vote" and "Taxation Without Representation" are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
DC Vote ? 2000 P Street, NW, Suite 200 ? Washington, DC 20036 ? 202.462.6000 ? Fax 202.462.7001 ? info@dcvote.org

