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Saturday, March 31, 2007

2008 Presidential Candidates | Campaign 2008: The Presidential Field | washingtonpost.com

2008 Presidential Candidates Campaign 2008: The Presidential Field washingtonpost.com: "The 2008 presidential race is expected to be the first in decades that won't include a sitting president or vice president in the field of candidates vying for the White House. A large group of contenders are already putting together campaign operations and visiting the early primary states. washingtonpost.com's Presidential Field database will include full coverage of the candidates as the election season unfolds." Democratic Candidates Republican Candidates

Friday, March 30, 2007

Four Election Integrity Groups Release a "One-Page Concept Proposal for Federal Election Reform Legislation"

Four Election Integrity Groups Release a "One-Page Concept Proposal for Federal Election Reform Legislation": "Will Congress pass election reform legislation by early 2007 in time to be in effect by the 2008 general election? Will The U.S. Congress pass any election reform legislation? Leaders in four election integrity organizations are delivering a proposal to the Congress calling on the members to sponsor better election reform legislation. (PRWEB) March 30, 2007 -- Leaders in four election integrity organizations are delivering a proposal to the Congress calling on the members to sponsor better election reform legislation. According to leaders of The National Election Data Archive, Black Box Voting, Democracy for New Hampshire, and Citizens' Alliance for Secure Elections, OH, there are serious flaws in current election reform proposals proposed by U.S. Congressman Rush Holt and Senator Bill Nelson (HR 811 & S559) and by Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones and Senator Hillary Clinton (HR1381 & S804). Some election officials agree. Douglas A. Kellner, Co-Chair of the New York State Board of Elections in a March 20, 2007 email correspondence said: 'Congress got it wrong when it passed the Help America Vote Act in 2002 and there is a high probability that HR 811 in its current form could create another form of expensive mischief that could interfere with efficient administration of elections.' "

And the winners are...

John Kerry

Dear Phillip,

We've got our Final Four: Senators Tom Harkin and Mark Pryor, and Representatives Nancy Boyda and Jerry McNerney.

Let's hold on to our majorities in the House and Senate.

Contribute today

Last week we called on the johnkerry.com online community to choose the first four Democrats we'll support this cycle. Your strong and early support will be a clear signal that we will fight hard to hold our Democratic majority.

Even as our Democratic leaders are working in Washington to change America's direction, the Republicans smear machine never rests. They're targeting our great Democratic leaders for tough re-election fights in 2008. Your strong support will be an important signal to any potential challengers that these Democrats will fight and fight hard.

Let's meet your two Senate choices:

Senator Tom Harkin believes it is time to bring the troops home and concentrate on finding a political solution to the crisis in Iraq. Tom Harkin has earned a reputation for giving a voice to those who are too often overlooked in Washington. For over three decades, Tom has fought hard to make life better for hard working Americans, to promote agriculture and provide hope and equality for all Americans. He authored the Americans with Disabilities Act, legislation that protects the civil rights of more than 54 million Americans with disabilities.

Mark Pryor was first elected to public office in 1990 as a member of the Arkansas State House of Representatives. In 1998 he was elected Arkansas' Attorney General, making him the youngest chief law-enforcement officer in the nation. In 2003, Mark Pryor was sworn in as Arkansas' 33rd senator. Of late, Pryor played an instrumental role in shedding light on the Administration's political firings of U.S. attorneys around the nation.

Contribute to these great Democrats!

And now let's meet your choices in the House bracket:

In 2006, Jerry McNerney defeated seven-term incumbent Richard Pombo, a notorious enemy of the environment and the first committee chairman to be unseated in a decade. Now in Congress, Rep. McNerney is making his grassroots and netroots supporters proud, delivering for his district as a member of four House committees. Still reeling from Pombo's loss, Republicans are already blasting voters with baseless mailers attacking McNerney and mounting a major voter registration drive in his red district. To keep this important seat blue, please contribute today to Rep. Jerry McNerney.

Rep. Nancy Boyda wants you to know that we are in for whale of a fight this next election -- and sends out a giant "THANK YOU!" to Senator Kerry, his staff and all the friends who believe in her hard work, strong leadership and solid beginnings. With a great big target on her back, your support is helping ensure we win again in 2008. Nancy has continued working around the clock to find real solutions to the war, government corruption and healthcare issues -- and she is determined to deliver results. Thank you all for your support!

The deadline for contributions is tonight at midnight, so contribute right away!

Thank you,

John Kerry

Paid for by John Kerry for Senate Authorized by Nancy Boyda for Congress Authorized by McNerney for Congress Authorized by Citizens for Harkin Authorized by Mark Pryor for US Senate
We apologize if you received this message in error. Click here to unsubscribe from our mailing list. Click here to change your current email address. John Kerry for Senate, 511 C St. NE, Washington DC, 20002, U.S.A.

beSpacific - March 29, 2007

beSpacific - Accurate, focused law and technology news http://www.bespacific.com By Sabrina I. Pacifici - bespacific@earthlink.net Free weekday coverage on current issues March 29, 2007
  • Appellate Courts Go Live on Case Management/Electronic Case Files
  • DOD OIG Audit of Timeliness of Payments for Reenlistment Bonuses in the Army
  • DOT OIG Audit on Value Engineering and Testimony on Outsourced Maintenance Facilities
  • CDC Reports 43.8 Million Are Without Health Insurance
  • Former Army General's Strategic and Operational Assessment of Security Operations in Iraq
  • White House Use of Non-Government Issued Email Accounts Under Scrutiny
  • GAO Reports on Next Generation Air Transportation Systems
  • Early Release of Selected Estimates Based on Data From the January-September 2006 National Health Interview Survey
  • United States Policy Towards Iran
  • EPA OIG Releases Audits on Topics Including Database Security, Hurricane Katrina and Other Agency Related Contracts
  • DHS Provides More Than $490 Million To America's Firefighters
  • Conyers Announces Justice Department Deal to Begin Staff Interviews
  • U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Releases Strategic Plan 2007-2012
* Appellate Courts Go Live on Case Management/Electronic Case Files
The Third Branch, March 2007: "Some day in the not-too-distant future, locating and reading a brief filed in a federal appellate case will become as easy as finding an appeals court opinion. And electronic appellate briefs will feature hyperlinks to lower court rulings, statutes, regulations, and other cited materials. "Judges generally are excited about having attorneys file briefs that contain hyperlinks to citations," said Gary Bowden, chief of the Administrative Office's Appellate Court and Circuit Administration Division. "And through PACER (the Public Access to Court Electronic Records system) these briefs will be available to everyone." Until late last year, 10 of the 12 regional appellate courts were using an antiquated system of receiving, storing and tracking their cases, a system that at age 20 was long overdue for retirement." The St. Louis-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit took a giant step in December when it became the first of those 10 courts to go live with Case Management/Electronic Case Files (CM/ECF). The rest are to follow by the end of 2007."
  • See also: Credit Card Security Code Required in CM/ECF - "Beginning February 1, 2007, all district and bankruptcy court CM/ECF filers who pay fees on-line via a credit card will be required to enter the security code field to complete the transaction. Credit card security codes, the 3-4 digits printed on the back of a credit card, are used to reduce fraud by verifying that the purchaser has the credit card in hand when making a purchase on the Internet."
  • * DOD OIG Audit of Timeliness of Payments for Reenlistment Bonuses in the Army
    D-2007-077 Timeliness of Payments for Reenlistment Bonuses in the Army (3/28/2007) (Project No. D2006-D000FP-0253.000)
    * DOT OIG Audit on Value Engineering and Testimony on Outsourced Maintenance Facilities
  • Value Engineering In The Federal-Aid Highway Program, March 28, 2007: "The audit objectives were to determine whether FHWA's oversight is adequate to ensure that: (1) value engineering studies are performed on all Federal-aid projects that have an estimated cost of $25 million or more; (2) value engineering studies are performed on all Federal-aid projects that have a high potential for cost savings; and (3) all value engineering recommendations that can be implemented are approved, permitting the greatest degree of potential savings to be achieved."
  • FAA's Oversight of Outsourced Maintenance Facilities, Testimony of DOT OIG, House Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Aviation, March 29, 2007
  • * Former Army General's Strategic and Operational Assessment of Security Operations in Iraq
    Via Defense Tech, a detailed March 26, 2007 action report, on Iraq authored by former Army general and U.S. Southern Commmand commander Barry R. McCaffrey, that includes the following statements:
  • "Iraq is ripped by a low grade civil war which has worsened to catastrophic levels with as many as 3000 citizens murdered per month. The population is in despair. Life in many of the urban areas is now desperate. There is no function of government that operates effectively across the nation--- not health care, not justice, not education, not transportation, not labor and commerce, not electricity, not oil production. There is no province in the country in which the government has dominance...In my judgment, we can still achieve our objective of: a stable Iraq, at peace with its neighbors, not producing weapons of mass destruction, and fully committed to a law-based government. The courage and strength of the US Armed Forces still gives us latitude and time to build the economic and political conditions that might defuse the ongoing civil war."
  • See also Operation Iraqi Freedom: Preliminary Observations on Iraqi Security Forces' Logistics and Command and Control Capabilities GAO-07-503R, March 28, 2007.
  • * White House Use of Non-Government Issued Email Accounts Under Scrutiny
  • "Rep. Waxman Requests Information on White House E-Mail Policies Following new revelations that White House officials have been conducting official business using nongovernmental e-mail accounts, Chairman Waxman asks White House Counsel Fred Fielding for information and a briefing regarding White House e-mail policies."
  • Computerworld: "For official government business, staff members in the Bush White House use government-issued e-mail accounts where all communications are then stored, archived and preserved for eventual inclusion in the National Archives. But for several years, some high-ranking Bush staff members have also apparently been using outside e-mail accounts for nongovernmental, political communications. Those accounts, through the Republican National Committee (RNC) and the 2004 Bush-Cheney re-election campaign, allowed the officials to keep up with both their official and political responsibilities while not violating the Hatch Act. That law forbids many government officials from engaging in political activities from their workplaces."
  • ABA Journal eReport: Alberto Gonzales and E-Mails: Is Silence Golden? The U.S. attorney general doesn't send e-mails—and he's not alone.
  • * GAO Reports on Next Generation Air Transportation Systems
  • Joint Planning and Development Office: Progress and Key Issues in Planning the Transition to the Next Generation Air Transportation System GAO-07-693T, March 29, 2007
  • NASA: Issues Surrounding the Transition from the Space Shuttle to the Next Generation of Human Space Flight Systems GAO-07-595T, March 28, 2007: "NASA is in the midst of a transition effort of a magnitude not seen since the end of the Apollo program and the start of the Space Shuttle Program more than 3 decades ago. This transition will include a massive transfer of people, hardware, and infrastructure. Based on ongoing and work completed to-date, we have identified a number of issues that pose unique challenges to NASA as it transitions from the shuttle to the next generation of human space flight systems while at the same time seeking to minimize the time the United States will be without its own means to put humans in space."
  • * Early Release of Selected Estimates Based on Data From the January-September 2006 National Health Interview Survey
    Press release: "In this release, the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) updates estimates for 15 selected health measures based on data from the January–September 2006 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) and presents estimates from 1997 through 2005 for comparison. The 15 Early Release measures are being published prior to final data editing and final weighting to provide access to the most recent information from NHIS. The estimates will be updated on a quarterly basis as each new quarter of the NHIS data becomes available. Due to small sample sizes, estimates based on less than a year of data may have large variances, and caution should be used in analyzing these estimates. Patterns for such estimates may change as more data become available."
  • "The 15 measures included are lack of health insurance coverage and type of coverage, usual place to go for medical care, obtaining needed medical care, receipt of influenza vaccination, receipt of pneumococcal vaccination, obesity, leisure-time physical activity, current smoking, alcohol consumption, human immunodeficiency virus testing, general health status, personal care needs, serious psychological distress, diagnosed diabetes, and asthma episodes and current asthma."
  • Complete copy of release 3/28/2007 (107 pages, PDF)
  • * United States Policy Towards Iran
    R. Nicholas Burns, Under Secretary for Political Affairs Testimony Before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Washington, DC - March 29, 2007: "The United States is committed to pursuing a diplomatic solution to the challenges posed by Iran and we are making every effort to improve U.S.-Iranian relations. But that cannot happen without a change in the Iranian regime's actions and policies."
    * EPA OIG Releases Audits on Topics Including Database Security, Hurricane Katrina and Other Agency Related Contracts
  • 2007-P-00018 EPA Did Not Properly Process a Hospital Disinfectant and Sanitizer Registration, [Report PDF - 33 pages] [At a Glance PDF] March 29, 2007
  • 2007-P-00017 EPA Needs to Strengthen Financial Database Security Oversight and Monitor Compliance, [Report PDF - 24 pages] [At a Glance PDF] March 29, 2007
  • 2007-P-00015 New Housing Contract for Hurricane Katrina Command Post Reduced Costs but Limited Competition, [Report PDF - 20 pages] [At a Glance PDF] March 29, 2007
  • 2007-P-00013 Performance Track Could Improve Program Design and Management to Ensure Value [Report PDF - 57 pages] [At a Glance PDF] March 29, 2007
  • 2007-P-00012 EPA's Allowing States to Use Bonds to Meet Revolving Fund Match Requirements Reduces Funds Available for Water Projects, [Report PDF - 33 pages] [At a Glance PDF] March 29, 2007
  • 2007-P-00011 Interagency Agreements to Use Other Agencies' Contracts Need Additional Oversight, Report No. 2007-P-00011 [Report PDF - 21 pages] [At a Glance PDF] March 27, 2007
  • * DHS Provides More Than $490 Million To America's Firefighters
    Press release: "The U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced today the start of the fiscal year 2007 application period for the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) program. More than $492.3 million will be awarded this year to fire departments and nonaffiliated emergency management organizations across the nation, bringing the total provided through this program since 2004 to roughly $2.2 billion."
    * Conyers Announces Justice Department Deal to Begin Staff Interviews
    Follow up to previous postings on the firing of U.S. Attorneys, this press release: "Today, House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers, Jr. announced an agreement with the Justice Department (DoJ) to start interviewing Justice staffers who may have been involved in the recent mass firing of U.S. Attorneys. Following a series of phone and written negotiations, DoJ agreed to make at least eight current and former employees available for transcribed interviews with House and Senate Democrat and Republican investigators, starting tomorrow at 10 A.M. with Michael Elston, Chief of Staff to the Deputy Attorney General."
    * U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Releases Strategic Plan 2007-2012
    USPTO press release from Jon Dudas: "I am pleased to release the United States Patent and Trademark Office's (USPTO) Strategic Plan for fiscal years 2007 through 2012. This plan builds upon the record-breaking progress the USPTO made during fiscal year 2006 in the areas of quality,production, electronic filing and processing, teleworking, and hiring."
  • Strategic Plan 2007-2012 [PDF]
  • Strategic Plan 2007-2012 Summary [PDF]
  • COMING SOON: E-Mail with Direct Link to Issued Trademark Office Action to Replace E-Mailed Office Actions - Beginning in late spring, the USPTO will notify applicants who have authorized e-mail communication with the USPTO of each issued Trademark Office action by an e-mail message containing a direct link to the Office action in Trademark Document Retrieval (TDR). The USPTO will not send a separate e-mail with the Office action attached.
  • Search beSpacific archives back to September 2002 at http://www.bespacific.com/ Copyright ©2002-2007 BeSpacific® LLC. All Rights Reserved. BeSpacific® LLC, P.O. Box 3554, Silver Spring, Maryland 20918

    Looking ahead

    The Democratic Party
    Presidential Profiles

    Dear Phillip,

    "I wish we had this when I ran for president."

    That's what Gov. Dean said when we first showed him PartyBuilder.

    Back in 2004, we were constantly looking for new ways to organize and motivate people. The Internet helped us reach and energize people like never before, but the Democratic Party's suite of tools is a huge step forward.

    No matter who wins the nomination next year, PartyBuilder will allow you to easily continue your work to help elect a Democratic president. That means the Democratic nominee can hit the ground running with the largest online network of support ever built.

    PartyBuilder combines some of our most powerful online outreach resources into one central place, where every Democrat can use them for free. It's a permanent part of the 50-state strategy and an integral piece of our plan for taking back the White House in 2008.

    Thousands of Democrats have already joined, including all of our presidential candidates. Their campaigns are waiting to connect with you:


    PartyBuilder thrives on this sort of do-it-yourself openness that drives Republicans crazy.

    They have their own "social-networking" program where every move you make is carefully monitored by their leadership. As one Republican strategist put it: "There is a great fear of open systems in GOP circles."

    PartyBuilder is much more than a simple social networking tool, and our approach would never work in the GOP's top-down model of control. Gov. Dean came to Washington with a promise to put our Party's power back where it belongs: in the hands of regular people in every state across the country. PartyBuilder offers the technology we need to make such a distributed model work.

    People-powered politics takes one important ingredient: people. Join the PartyBuilder network:


    In 2004, Gov. Dean used the Internet to revolutionize politics. Now, with PartyBuilder, you can connect with others on the issues that matter most to you, and you can keep that momentum going into 2008.


    Tom McMahon

    Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee, http://www.democrats.org/. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington, DC 20003

    Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

    Click here to unsubscribe from this mailing list.

    DNC, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington DC 20003

    Inside Bay Area - Clinton, Giuliani take lead in early state voter poll

    Inside Bay Area - Clinton, Giuliani take lead in early state voter poll: "Clinton, Giuliani take lead in early state voter poll By Mary Anne Ostrom, MEDIANEWS STAFF Article Last Updated: 03/30/2007 03:50:52 AM PDT California voters, like the national electorate, favor Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani in the first statewide poll of presidential preferences since the 2008 race has taken shape. Each is the choice of about one-third of likely voters in their respective primaries, according to a new Public Policy Institute of California poll released Wednesday. Saturday marks the first-quarter fundraising reporting deadline, an early but important signal indicating who has the means to compete in what's shaping up as the most condensed primary season ever. But more eyes are on another key measure of how the candidates are doing — how much money they are raising at the start of what is expected to be the first $1 billion presidential race in history. As the first national measure of fund-raising prowess, it 'will be important for candidates to show they're in the game,' said Bob Stern, president of the Center for Governmental Studies. 'But it's like the third inning, or as John McCain has said, spring training for an election nearly a year away.' In the PPIC survey, Clinton, the New York senator, is the choice of 35 percent of likely California Democratic primary voters, followed by Illinois Sen. Barack Obama and former vice presidential nominee John Edwards. The survey ended two days before Edwards announced his wife's cancer had returned. "

    Wednesday, March 28, 2007

    Update: It's happening

    John Kerry
    This Moment on Earth

    Hi Phillip,

    Yesterday you taught a powerful lesson to the cynics who assume Americans don't care about the environment. Your response to the story of environmental heroes in our new book This Moment on Earth has been amazing -- and from the bottom of our hearts Teresa and I are incredibly grateful.

    Thanks to you, the book is the #1 best selling non-fiction book and the #8 best selling book overall on Amazon!

    This book shares the stories of the environmental heroes standing up to cynicism and inaction. Teresa and I wrote it not just because we share in the struggle to save our environment, but because this struggle is more about you than it is about us. If you want a look at the kind of people we're trying to honor and support (all the proceeds from the book are dedicated to environmental causes), check out the inspiring stories sent in by the JohnKerry.com community.

    Please, read the book, share your thoughts about environmental heroes you know -- and spread the word. You're making a difference.

    This Moment on Earth at Amazon.com

    Thank you,

    John Kerry

    Paid for by John Kerry for Senate.
    We apologize if you received this message in error. Click here to unsubscribe from our mailing list. Click here to change your current email address. John Kerry for Senate, 511 C St. NE, Washington DC, 20002, U.S.A.

    FOXNews.com - Hillary Clinton to Pick Up Endorsement From National Organization for Women - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum

    FOXNews.com - Hillary Clinton to Pick Up Endorsement From National Organization for Women - Politics Republican Party Democratic Party Political Spectrum: "Hillary Clinton to Pick Up Endorsement From National Organization for Women Wednesday, March 28, 2007 NEW YORK — The political arm of NOW, the National Organization for Women, will endorse Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential bid on Wednesday, according to Democratic officials familiar with the plan. Clinton will join NOW president Kim Gandy to accept the endorsement, which will take place at Washington's Sewell-Belmont House, the historic home of the National Women's Party. 'The NOW PAC is excited to close out Women's History Month with news that's sure to energize women's rights supporters across the country,' Gandy said in an e-mail statement. Clinton, a New York senator, has made a deliberate pitch to women voters since launching her White House bid in January. Earlier this month, her campaign unveiled 'Women for Hillary,' an effort to recruit women voters to talk up Clinton's candidacy to other women. A separate, Web-based component targeting younger women, www.icanbepresident.com, is another part of the outreach effort. Clinton advisers point to 2004, when about 9 million more women than men voted in the general election. Founded in 1966 by activist Betty Friedan, NOW is one of the oldest and best-known feminist advocacy groups in the country."

    Tuesday, March 27, 2007

    Clinton snaps up crucial 2008 boost - Yahoo! News

    Clinton snaps up crucial 2008 boost - Yahoo! News: "WASHINGTON (AFP) - Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton on Monday snapped up a prime political endorsement in Iowa, which holds the critical first state votes on choosing 2008 presidential nominees. Clinton bolstered her already formidable political machine by enlisting former Iowa governor Tom Vilsack, as she raced towards a key March 31 fundraising deadline seen as a pivotal early test of the packed race. Vilsack, and wife Christine, also a popular Iowa campaigner, will help Clinton reach into every corner of the midwestern state, which expects candidates to pursue an intense, often one-on-one, engagement with voters. 'Hillary Clinton has been tried and tested like no other candidate for president,' said Vilsack, who briefly mounted his own 2008 bid, appearing beside the former first lady in the midwestern state's capital, Des Moines." Clinton said she was "absolutely thrilled and honored" with the endorsement, which may come as a blow to Senator Barack Obama, Clinton's closest nationwide Democratic rival who has little history in the state. In Iowa, Clinton's closest challenger is former Democratic vice presidential nominee John Edwards', who last week announced his campaign would go on, despite the return of his wife Elizabeth's cancer. Edwards has blitzed the state for the past two years, and his populist campaign targeting those disposessed by the flight of blue collar jobs abroad, has also drawn strong support in the state. In the latest American Research Group polling in Iowa, Clinton had edged one percentage point ahead of Edwards, winning the support of 34 percent of likely Democratic caucus goers. Obama, expected to return to Iowa this weekend, had only 16 percent. The Vilsack endorsement will likely provoke speculation Vilsack is angling to be Clinton's running mate if she wins the nomination, or is hoping for a possible cabinet job if she wins in November 2008. Clinton did not comment on such speculation, but said at a townhall meeting carried by ABC television that she hoped the Vilsacks would remain active in public life.

    Monday, March 26, 2007

    U2.com | U2.com

    U2.com U2.com //// HOME // NEWS // TOURS // TOUR DATES // ALBUMS // SINGLES // AUDIO-VIDEO // GALLERY // // Search // //// SUBSCRIBE // ZOOTOPIA // HEARTS+MINDS // U2 SHOP // EXCLUSIVES // MAILING LIST // LYRICS // // Login // // // 'Step out of the driving rain...' The Joshua Tree, twenty years on. Listen and watch. [more...] // // That Spinal Tap Moment 'We'd love to be camp, but we just can't do it!' Remember 'Gay Cowboy' and 'Sci-Fi Binman'? [more...] // // Four Play Exclusive! New edit of the Window video, this time with The Beatles. [more...] // // Shooting for the Sky Director Gary Koepke on how to make Radiohead, Bowie, Billie Holliday and Elvis sing a U2 song. [more...] // 25.03.2007 // ‘When Die Toten Hosen and Radiohead linked arms’ // Bono was in Berlin tonight, picking up an award from the German music industry. Video and speech here.[more...] // 23.03.2007 // When New Europe Was the Big Idea // 'One way to define who we are might be to spend more time looking across the eight miles of Mediterranean Sea that separates Europe from Africa.' Bono in Time Magazine.[more...] // 14.03.2007 // 'Here we are in Dublin's Docklands...' // A little bit of an audio classic as Dave Fanning talks with the band in 1987 just after the release of that album.[more...] // 12.03.2007 // 'This Seminal Album' // BBC6 Music mark 20 years of The Joshua Tree, Edge goes through the album song by song.[more...] // 08.03.2007 // Ask Him Anything. (Go on) // Want to ask Edge a question ? Any question ? Now's your chance. [more...] // 06.03.2007 // It Was Twenty Years Ago // 'A lot of the songs were ones that were recorded in Larry’s spare bedroom or Adam’s living room.' On March 9th 1987 U2 released an album called The Joshua Tree.[more...] // Exclusive - "U2 Live in Sydney", a limited edition double audio CD and poster when you join U2.Com // Take a free tour of our U2.com Subscription Site. // Username // Password Remember my Login Forget your Username/Password?FAQ?

    U2's The Edge donates guitar to auction - Yahoo! News

    U2's The Edge donates guitar to auction - Yahoo! News: "By SANDY COHEN, AP Entertainment Writer Mon Mar 26, 10:53 AM ET LOS ANGELES - The Edge is donating his favorite instrument to an auction benefiting Music Rising, a charity the U2 guitarist co-founded to replace musical equipment lost or destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. He's logged thousands of hours of stage and studio time on the 1975 Gibson Les Paul. The 45-year-old musician has used the guitar throughout his years with U2. 'I wanted to give something really significant that would really mean a lot for me to give. It deserved something that I would miss,' The Edge told The Associated Press by phone from France. The Icons of Music auction, administered by Julien's Auctions, features 196 rock-related items, including a saxophone signed by former President Clinton, a guitar that belonged to Jimi Hendrix and an original Elvis Presley recording contract. An exhibit of auction highlights will travel from Los Angeles to Dublin, Ireland, and London before the sale ends April 21 with an event at Manhattan's Hard Rock Cafe. Fans may bid online or in person. The Edge's guitar was expected to fetch between $60,000 to $80,000, according to the auction Web site."

    Two Blocks from the White House’

    http://www.thenation.com/blogs/edcut/?pid=177250 Just when it looked as if DC residents would finally gain voting representation in Congress with expected approval of the DC Voting Rights Act in the House this week, the White House – which recently promised to "look carefully" at any Congressional proposal on this issue – announced its opposition to the bill. "The Constitution specifies that only ‘the people of the several states' elect representatives to the House," White House spokesman Alex Conant told The Washington Post. "And DC is not a state." Wow. That's what the White House came up with after all of that careful looking? It must have had its top cherry-picking intelligence group on that mission. Never mind the fact that such liberal ideologues as Judge Kenneth Starr and former Assistant Attorney General under John Ashcroft, Professor Viet Dinh, flat-out disagree with the White House interpretation. Starr wrote, "the Constitution's use of the term ‘State' in Article III cannot mean ‘and not of the District of Columbia.' Identical logic supports legislation to enfranchise the District's voters: the use of the word ‘State' in Article I cannot bar Congress from exercising its plenary authority to extend the franchise to the District's residents." And Dinh testified, "We conclude that Congress has ample constitutional authority to enact the District of Columbia Fairness in Representation Act. In few, if any, other areas does the Constitution grant any broader authority to Congress to legislate." Starr described Congressional authority to provide for the welfare of DC citizens as "majestic in its scope," including the right to end to the practice of taxation without representation. In response to the White House's eleventh-hour opposition, DC Vote Executive Director Ilir Zherka told The Post , "Our supporters are disappointed in this White House where you have a president who talks so much about voting rights abroad but can't do it two blocks from the White House. The White House opposition is just going to fire up our folks." Zherka noted the irony of a Bush administration that seems to regard privacy and habeas corpus as matters of convenience but "... when it comes to trying to give voting rights, there's a concern about the Constitution."

    Elton's 60th Birthday Extravaganza - Yahoo! News UK

    Elton's 60th Birthday Extravaganza - Yahoo! News UK: "Elton's 60th Birthday Extravaganza Monday March 26, 12:18 PM Sir Elton John has marked his 60th birthday with a New York extravaganza and a personal appearance from Bill Clinton. The former US president stunned the audience at the sell-out show at Madison Square Garden when he stepped on to the stage to introduce the rocker. He said: 'Thank you for coming tonight to help celebrate Elton joining my favourite club, the 60-year-olds' club. 'I love it every time he plays. He reminds me we've all got a little bit of juice left.' Sir Elton took to the stage to a standing ovation wearing a black tailcoat with the words: 'Birthday 60 years on' emblazoned on the back in gold. In front of a starry backdrop, he opened the show with the appropriately-named Sixty Years On. The 25-song set built to a climax with hits like Daniel, Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word, Crocodile Rock, Tiny Dancer and Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting. He strolled across the stage grinning broadly to acknowledge fans, and chatted between songs before thanking his partner David Furnish for organising his birthday weekend. Sir Elton's long-time songwriting partner Bernie Taupin led the crowd in singing Happy Birthday to him, as a basketball shirt-style banner reading 'Elton 60' was unfurled and white confetti rained on to the stage. 'I used to snort this stuff,' Sir Elton joked."

    Carol Schwartz - D.C. Voting: A GOP Issue - washingtonpost.com

    Carol Schwartz - D.C. Voting: A GOP Issue - washingtonpost.com: "D.C. Voting: A GOP Issue Opposition to a House Seat Goes Against Party Tradition By Carol Schwartz Thursday, March 22, 2007; Page A21 Having personally written to President Bush and Congress numerous times over the years urging them to support voting rights for the citizens of our nation's capital, I was disheartened to learn that the Republican leadership is working to defeat legislation that would add a voting member from the District of Columbia and a voting member from Utah to the House of Representatives, and that the president is thinking about vetoing the bill. As a fellow Republican, I beseech them to reconsider. News accounts indicate that Republican opposition is based largely on 'constitutional concerns.' However, respected constitutional scholars have argued that a congressional vote for the District is well within the bounds of the Constitution. Former solicitor general Kenneth Starr and Patricia M. Wald, a former chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, jointly wrote, 'There is nothing in our Constitution's history or its fundamental principles suggesting that the Framers intended to deny the precious right to vote to those who live in the capital of the great democracy they founded.' Viet Dihn, a Georgetown University law professor and principal author of the USA Patriot Act, argued in a paper submitted to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform that it is constitutional to give the District a vote."

    Democrats 2008: Hillary Has Eight-Point Lead: Angus Reid Global Monitor

    Democrats 2008: Hillary Has Eight-Point Lead: Angus Reid Global Monitor: "Angus Reid Global Monitor : Polls & Research Democrats 2008: Hillary Has Eight-Point Lead March 25, 2007 (Angus Reid Global Monitor) - Hillary Rodham Clinton remains the most popular presidential hopeful for Democratic Party supporters in the United States, according to a poll by SRBI Public Affairs released by Time. 34 per cent of respondents would vote for the New York senator in a 2008 presidential primary. Illinois senator Barack Obama is second with 26 per cent, followed by former U.S. vice-president Al Gore with 13 per cent, and former North Carolina senator John Edwards with 10 per cent. Support is lower for New Mexico governor Bill Richardson, Ohio congressman Dennis Kucinich, Delaware senator Joe Biden and reverend Al Sharpton. On Mar. 23, former U.S. president Bill Clinton discussed his wife’s controversial 2002 vote in favour of the war in Iraq, saying, 'I don’t have a problem with anything Barack Obama said on this,' but 'to characterize Hillary and Obama’s positions on the war as polar opposites is ludicrous. This dichotomy that’s been set up to allow him to become the raging hero of the anti-war crowd on the Internet is just factually inaccurate.' In American elections, candidates require 270 votes in the Electoral College to win the White House. In November 2004, Republican George W. Bush earned a second term after securing 286 electoral votes from 31 states. Democratic nominee John Kerry received 252 electoral votes from 19 states and the District of Columbia. "

    Saturday, March 24, 2007

    The Superpower Blues - washingtonpost.com

    The Superpower Blues - washingtonpost.com: "FOREIGN AFFAIRS STRATEGY The Superpower Blues Zbigniew Brzezinski says we have one last shot at getting the post-9/11 world right. Reviewed by James M. Lindsay Sunday, March 25, 2007; Page BW02 SECOND CHANCE Three Presidents and the Crisis of American Superpower By Zbigniew Brzezinski Basic. 234 pp. $26.95 The Iraq war has America's foreign policy mavens waxing nostalgic. Partisans of the elder George Bush long for the days when realism and caution reigned in the White House. Bill Clinton's fans fondly recall an era when presidential trips overseas drew admiring crowds rather than angry protesters. U.S. foreign policy, it would seem, should go forward by going backward. Zbigniew Brzezinski will have none of that. In his engaging and briskly argued new book, Jimmy Carter's national security adviser sees little worth emulating in the past 15 years of U.S. foreign policy. He asks how Washington has led since becoming the world's first truly global leader after the collapse of the Soviet Union. His answer? 'In a word, badly.'"

    Friday, March 23, 2007

    Ward-Wide Support

    Friends and Supporters,

    This has been a tremendous week and I thank you for all your help!

    With just under 6 weeks to election day, we are entering the most aggressive part of our campaign and we are thrilled to have an extensive group of supporters and volunteers that we can count on each and every day.

    Volunteer here

    Our new field office (6230 Georgia Ave NW) is serving as base camp for our extensive volunteer, Get-Out-The-Vote and field operations. Each and every volunteer is an invaluable tool in this election and I am asking you to donate a few hours of your time to help us out. Whether it is walking your neighborhood, knocking on doors, calling supporters, or waving with me and my team at intersections in the morning, your time and support is the most important thing to me.

    Please get involved

    Additionally, I would like to personally invite you to join me at a few of my upcoming events this weekend:

    Tonight, Friday Please join me at a fundraiser hosted by Darryl Gorman and Karen Williamson, tonight, March 23rd from 6-9PM in Shepherd Park.

    Saturday Please join me at a Women For Michael Brown Fundraiser hosted by The Honorable Alexis Herman and Margo Briggs, this Saturday, March 24th from 6-9PM.

    Sunday Please join me at a Meet and Greet hosted by Laura Murphy and William Psilas, this Sunday, March 25th from 3-5PM in Chevy Chase.

    Thank you again for all you have done and I eagerly look forward to victory on May 1st. Your contribution before March 31st is critical to my success. Contribute here.

    Michael A. Brown

    A Few of Our Upcoming Events Please contact us for additional information (202) 558-6424

    **TONIGHT** Fundraiser Hosted by Darryl Gorman and Karen Williamson
    Friday, March 23rd from 6-9PM
    The home of Darryl Gorman Colonial Village/Shepherd Park
    Women For Michael A. Brown Fundraiser Hosted by The Honorable Alexis Herman and Margo Briggs
    Saturday, March 24th from 6-9PM
    The home of the Honorable Alexis Herman
    Meet and Greet Hosted by Laura Murphy and William Psilas
    Sunday, March 25th from 3-5PM
    The home of Laura Murphy Barnaby Woods/Chevy Chase DC
    LGBT Meet and Greet Hosted By Otis "Buddy" Sutson
    Tuesday, March 27th from 7-9PM
    The home of Otis "Buddy" Sutson Petworth
    Fundraising Dinner Hosted by Ruhani Syed
    Friday, March 30th, from 7-9 PM
    The Home of Ruhani Syed Capitol Hill
    Meet and Greet Hosted by Jackie Daughtry
    Wednesday, April 4th, from 7-8:30 PM
    The Home of Jackie Daughtry Brightwood
    Fundraiser Hosted by Jeremy Alexander
    Saturday, April 7th, from 3-5 PM
    The Home of Jeremy Alexander
    Young Professionals For Michael Meet and Greet
    Wednesday, April 11th, from 6:30-8:30PM
    The Home of Chance and Laura Patterson Chevy Chase
    Meet and Greet Hosted by Loretta Polk
    Thursday, April 12th, from 7-9PM
    Kingsbury Center 14th Street Heights
    Meet and Greet Hosted by Lovell Saunders
    Friday, April 13th, from 6:30-8:30PM
    The Home of Lovell Saunders Takoma Park
    Meet and Greet Hosted by Dwayne Revis
    Saturday, April 15th, from 5-7PM
    The Home of Dwayne Revis Shepherd Park
    Ward 4 Women For Michael Brown Meet and Greet
    Tuesday, April 17th, from 6-8PM
    The Home of Wilma S. Greenfield Colonial Village/Shepherd Park
    Meet and Greet Hosted by Phyllis Cumberlander
    Thursday, April 19th, from 7-9PM
    The Home of Phyllis Cumberlander Brightwood Park
    Meet and Greet Hosted by Keith and Eusbia Monte
    Friday, April 20th, from 6:30-8:30PM
    The Home of Keith and Eusbia Monte Brightwood Park

    Latino Meet and Greet TBA

