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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

FOXNews.com - Hillary Clinton to Pick Up Endorsement From National Organization for Women - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum

FOXNews.com - Hillary Clinton to Pick Up Endorsement From National Organization for Women - Politics Republican Party Democratic Party Political Spectrum: "Hillary Clinton to Pick Up Endorsement From National Organization for Women Wednesday, March 28, 2007 NEW YORK — The political arm of NOW, the National Organization for Women, will endorse Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential bid on Wednesday, according to Democratic officials familiar with the plan. Clinton will join NOW president Kim Gandy to accept the endorsement, which will take place at Washington's Sewell-Belmont House, the historic home of the National Women's Party. 'The NOW PAC is excited to close out Women's History Month with news that's sure to energize women's rights supporters across the country,' Gandy said in an e-mail statement. Clinton, a New York senator, has made a deliberate pitch to women voters since launching her White House bid in January. Earlier this month, her campaign unveiled 'Women for Hillary,' an effort to recruit women voters to talk up Clinton's candidacy to other women. A separate, Web-based component targeting younger women, www.icanbepresident.com, is another part of the outreach effort. Clinton advisers point to 2004, when about 9 million more women than men voted in the general election. Founded in 1966 by activist Betty Friedan, NOW is one of the oldest and best-known feminist advocacy groups in the country."
