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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Donate to our 'Let Washington Speak' Silent Auction

DC Vote Working to End Taxation Without Representation
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COD 2009

Donate to our 'Let Washington Speak' Silent Auction

Dear Friends,

We are eagerly anticipating our 2009 Champions of Democracy Award Dinner on Tuesday, October 13. Each year, our silent auction features exciting packages and prizes that generate critical funding for DC Vote's work.

Can you or someone you know donate an item to our 'Let Washington Speak' Silent Auction? Interested, but not sure what you can offer? Here are a few successful items from past events:

  • Dinner party or lunch with a famous Washingtonian (Past examples include Manny Acta, manager of the Washington Nationals, elected officials or performers)
  • Tickets to a local sporting, theater or arts event
  • Gift certificates for meals at quality restaurants

With the historic Senate passage of the DC Voting Rights Act in February, the next few years represent the opportunity of a lifetime to celebrate a big victory for the residents of Washington, DC. Help sustain the movement for DC voting rights by making a donation to the silent auction. Respond to this e-mail with your in-kind contribution or with a suggestion of someone you know to ask for a donation.

The dinner, to be held at the new W Hotel, will attract more than 400 elected officials, community leaders and major donors from the DC metro area. Contributors to the silent auction will be recognized on our Web site and in the silent auction booklet that will be distributed the night of the event.

The deadline for submittal of silent auction items is Wednesday, September 30. Please contact Abby Levine at alevine@dcvote.org or 202.462.6000 x17 with any additional questions.

Thank you!


Ilir Zherka

Ilir Zherka
Executive Director

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"DC Vote" and "Taxation Without Representation" are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
DC Vote � 2000 P Street, NW, Suite 200 � Washington, DC 20036 � 202.462.6000 � Fax 202.462.7001 � info@dcvote.org

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