Web Business Blogger for ShoppingMallDC.com! It's packed full of Business Newsletters & Political advice!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Hi, just wanted to let you know ShoppingMallDC.com has new links for all your holiday shopping.

Just wanted to say hi to all of you and let you know that the site http://www.shoppingmalldc.com is updated and if your shopping for the holidays please do give this site shoppingmallpc.com in DC a try and we here at the site will be very thankful for your shopping our sites business links directory.  There are about two thousand individual company links represented on the site so your sure to find just about any thing you could think of.  If your into Blogs check out the sites blog from the main shopping site home page  It is the Web Business Blogger for ShoppingMallDC.com! and it is  packed full of Business Newsletters & Political advice! at http://shoppingmalldc.blogspot.com/
Have a great day!
Phillip at
