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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What would you tell Vice President Biden?

Divided We Fail.org--It's time for Health Care and Financial Security for all


Dear Phillip,

What would you tell Vice President Biden at tomorrow's health reform town hall?

Cast your vote BY
MIDNIGHT tonight!

Vice President Joe Biden is holding a town-hall meeting in Virginia tomorrow on the importance of health care reform for the 50+ population!

AARP President Barry Rand will be there and will have an opportunity to make some remarks on behalf of Divided We Fail supporters.

So we want to know: what's your biggest concern about health care as it relates to Americans who are 50+?

Cast your vote by midnight tonight – and we'll share the winning response with Vice President Biden at tomorrow's town hall meeting.

We have seven responses for you to choose from:

  • We need to make insurance affordable to Americans age 50-64 who are struggling to make ends meet and pay premiums and out-of-pocket health costs.
  • Health reform should close the doughnut hole so that older Americans can get the drugs they need at a price they can afford.
  • We need to lower drug costs for all Americans.
  • Health care legislation should include improvements in Medicaid home-and-community-based services so that older Americans can receive the services and supports they need to receive care at home.
  • We need to ensure that health care coverage is affordable regardless of pre-existing conditions, age or gender.
  • Long-term care needs to be a priority in health reform efforts.
  • Health care reform should ensure that we reward quality rather than quantity of care.

Tomorrow's town hall isn't just an amazing opportunity to speak directly with the Obama administration about its health care reform goals – it's a rare chance to set the agenda on health care at a time when congressional leaders are making key decisions.

That's why we want to give YOU the opportunity to highlight one of your concerns. But we need to know your choice by midnight tonight, so we can make sure that it's included in Barry Rand's opening remarks.

Click here to cast your vote now and make sure Vice President Biden hears what concerns you about health care reform!

As the health care debate rages on in Washington, it's so important that we take advantage of every opportunity to remind our lawmakers what this is truly about – the people who need reform now.

Thanks for all your help to ensure that we don't let them forget!


The Divided We Fail Team

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AARP 601 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20049


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