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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Scare Rush and Sarah Right Back


Download your fact check card today

This past weekend I heard something that disturbed me even more than all the lies and scare tactics coming from the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin. I heard my friends and neighbors ask if these lies were true.

Apparently I'm not alone. More and more, we're hearing alarming reports from grassroots supporters that ordinary Americans at birthday parties, summer picnics, and backyard barbeques are believing the lies they are being told by the right wing on health insurance reform. It's even more urgent that we get the real truth out.

Since I just shared my story, we need you to share yours and help President Obama fight the Republican lies with the real facts on health insurance reform.

There's still time to take action in the fight for health insurance reform. Download your Health Care Fact Check Card, and learn all the other ways that you can get involved.

I became the DCCC's National Field Director for one simple reason. I wanted to unleash the same grassroots power that we used to elect President Obama last year to fight the smears and fears from those on the far right who want to obstruct his agenda.

From disrupting town halls to Sarah Palin's fictitious 'death panels' to Rush Limbaugh's revolting use of swastikas, the Republicans are doing everything they can to keep this debate from actually being about the facts on health care. Because that's when they lose.

But we can scare Rush and Sarah right back by showing them the true power that grassroots Democrats have to overcome their lies and help President Obama bring real change on health care reform.

There's still time to take action in the fight for health insurance reform. Download your Health Care Fact Check Card, and learn all the other ways that you can get involved.

Please join the fight today!


Marlon Marshall
DCCC National Field Director

P.S. From Sarah Palin's fictitious 'death panels' to Rush Limbaugh's revolting use of swastikas, the Republicans are doing everything they can to keep this debate from being about the real facts on health care reform. In addition to engaging your friends and neighbors, please help us hold Republicans accountable by generously contributing to keep our assault of radio ads on the air.

Contribute Forward to your friends

Paid for by Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
430 South Capitol Street, S.E. Washington, D.C. 20003
(202) 863-1500 - www.dccc.org
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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