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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Not This Time

Speaker Pelosi

Dear Supporters,

Republicans have made the cynical political calculation that it's better to attack Democrats and do nothing to address soaring health care costs rather than deliver change for the American people.

Well, I'm not going to let Republicans derail health insurance reform. Recently, one prominent Republican senator even went as far as saying: "If we're able to stop Obama on this, it will be his Waterloo. It will break him."

As President Obama said in response: "This isn't about politics. It is about a health care system that is breaking American families, breaking America's businesses and breaking America's economy."

I could not agree more. But delivering this change depends on us. Please help the DCCC raise $250,000 before the August recess for the Emergency Health Care Rapid Response Fund.

Stand with President Obama

Contribute $50, $75 or more to support historic Health Insurance Reform today and my colleagues and I in Congress will match your gift dollar-for-dollar.

America's families, who are struggling to cope with skyrocketing health care expenses, understand the true cost of doing nothing. If we fail to act, the cost of health care for the average family of four is projected to rise by $1,800 every year for years to come and insurance companies will make more health care decisions.  That's $18,000 per family over the next 10 years.

Last week, House Democrats introduced historic legislation to meet President Obama's goal of comprehensive health care reform. Our legislation lowers health care costs for everyone. Our bill offers greater choice, including the right to keep your own doctor and it includes a public option to compete with private insurers.

Even 'Harry and Louise' from those infamous television ads that attacked President Clinton's health care reform effort have now switched sides. Yet even though Harry and Louise may be on our side now, we must be able to counter the Republican attacks and set the record straight. And, we need your financial support to do it.

Contribute $50, $75 or more today to support historic Health Insurance Reform today and my colleagues and I in Congress will match your gift dollar-for-dollar.

Democrats will not be deterred and the American people will not be denied quality affordable health care. Please help us fight these attacks and pass historic health care reform this year. Together, we will move America in a New Direction.

Nancy Pelosi
Speaker of the House

P.S. Republicans and their powerful special interests are trying to defeat President Obama's plan to make quality health care affordable for everyone. We must have the financial resources to counter their attacks. Contribute $50, $75 or more to support historic Health Insurance Reform today and my colleagues and I in Congress will match your gift dollar-for-dollar.

Contribute Forward to your friends

*A group of Democratic Members of the House of Representatives will match your donation today.  For every dollar that you donate, these members will donate a dollar of their own.

Paid for by Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
430 South Capitol Street, S.E. Washington, D.C. 20003
(202) 863-1500 - www.dccc.org
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee are not tax deductible.
