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Sunday, November 8, 2009

A message from RNC Co-Chairman Jan Larimer

A Message from Co-Chairman Jan Larimer:

Since being elected RNC Co-Chairman in January 2009, Chairman Steele and I have been traveling the country meeting with our Party's committed and energized grassroots activists and state leaders to listen and learn how the RNC in Washington, DC can better serve their needs.

One result of these meetings has been the importance of building a strong network of Republican women who can connect with, mobilize and attract other women to our Party at the local level.

I am pleased to announce that today my office is launching the RNC Women's Interactive Network to accomplish this important goal.

Today, 280 Republican women are attending our Women's Summit in Washington, DC to learn more about building active networks of women in their communities, registering women as Republicans, and identifying women who would make winning Republican candidates.

Simply put, the mission of the RNC Women's Interactive Network is to portray the GOP as the automatic option for women voters, and to win elections.

There are many ways you can make a difference in the RNC Women's Interactive Network. From building networks using social media tools such as Facebook, Ning, Twitter, or YouTube, to reaching out to other women via email, there are any number of ways you can get involved depending on what best suits you.

I am very excited about the RNC Women's Interactive Network and the flexibility it offers Republican women to get involved.

Thank you for your time and God Bless America.

Jan Larimer

Republican National Committee | 310 First Street, SE | Washington, D.C. 20003
p: 202.863.8500 | f: 202.863.8820 | e: info@gop.com

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310 First Street, SE - Washington, D.C. 20003 - (202) 863-8500
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