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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Demand Health Care!


Dear Phillip,

Demand Health Care! The loudest voices are ruling the debate on health care, but they don't speak for us.

Activists holding signs comparing Obama with Hitler, a Congressman being hung in effigy for supporting health care reform, and screaming matches taking place at town hall meetings.

Rock the Vote is getting in the game. This is a moment when we can fundamentally change our country. We can't let it be stolen by vocal extremists and insurance industry-funded opposition.

Can you chip in $10 to help Rock the Vote launch our health care campaign?

The availability of affordable, quality care for all Americans should be a right. Every industrialized country in the world and even some developing countries provide care to all their citizens, except the US.

Young people have the most to gain or lose if we don't do something today. More than 30 million 18-29 year olds went without necessary medical care in the past year because they were uninsured and couldn't afford the treatment.

We don't have millions of dollars to spend on TV advertising like the pharmaceutical companies, but if 5,000 of you give just $10 we'd be able to arm our street teams with the materials to organize and build support for health care reform.

Donate $10 now.

Our artists are on-board, our media partners are ready to go, and our materials are in production. If we are good at anything it is making noise and mobilizing people; we want to do what we do and demand health care reform.

Will you chip in $10 today to help us win this fight?

Thank you.

-Heather, Thomas, Mary, Chrissy, Kelly, Chris, David, Taylor (all of us at Rock the Vote)

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