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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Celebrate World Environment Day Today, June 5!



Hello Friend,

World Environment Day

World Environment DayHappy World Environment Day!

There are many things you can do to celebrate the environment today: watch the premiere of HOME, the magnificent documentary by photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand; Twitter for Trees to help UNEP's Billion Trees campaign; or follow any of these WED tips.

Be part of the solution!

Take Action on U.S. Legislation!

twestival wellThe Waxman-Markey bill may be debated on the House floor in as little as two weeks. This clean energy bill could go a long way toward creating green job and combatting the climate crisis if we take action and ask Congress to strengthen and pass the bill.

Let your voice be heard!


nature rocksNature Rocks!

ecoAmerica has just launched a new campaign to inspire parents to reconnect their families to nature. It's called "Nature Rocks." Visit the site to find all sorts of nature activities for the whole family, plus tools to help guide and plan your adventures.

Click here to read more.


Thanks and visit soon!


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