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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Devastating new Iraq ad


Yesterday, Governor Dean sent around our second national television ad.

It's one of the most powerful television spots Americans will see this year. It's simple, and it's brutally honest. It rocked the McCain campaign, because they know they'll spend the every day through November dealing with the fallout.

This is the ad the Republican National Committee is working around the clock to stop, even threatening legal action against television stations that air this spot. That's how worried about it they are.

If you haven't seen it yet, watch it now, and send it to everyone you know:


We can't afford to let-up.

Watch the ad, and make a contribution to help us stay on the air by tomorrow, April 30.

Tom McMahon
Executive Director

-----Original Message-----

Subject: Devastating new Iraq ad
Date: Mon 28 April 2008 03:03:48 PM
From: Howard Dean
To: Tom McMahon

The Democratic Party


Watch our new ad on John McCain and IraqJohn McCain wants to stay in Iraq for 100 years. He's said it, and it's on tape.

But his campaign hates that he was caught. They've viciously attacked anyone who reminded the American people that he said it, including me. They've said that those who reference the 100 years comments are "deliberately misleading voters."

So we've taken John McCain's own words -- video of him saying that 100 years would be "fine with me" -- and made a TV ad. There's no confusion, no distortion, no misleading -- it's John McCain, on tape, for voters to judge on their own.

It's one of the most powerful political ads I've ever seen. It's devastating -- and the McCain campaign will spend the rest of the election trying to fight it.

You can watch it here:


This is our second ad of the presidential race. Last week I sent you the first -- another powerful ad about the economy.

But we're not relying on television ads to win back the White House. We're organizing everywhere -- including District of Columbia -- and we have been for three years. We've invested heavily in the infrastructure that Barack or Hillary will need when the nomination is settled.

All of it -- from the new Iraq ad to the organizers in places like Ohio, Colorado, and Oregon -- costs money, and we need your help.

The McCain campaign thinks they're getting ahead. Senior McCain adviser Mark Salter recently said that Democrats should "take their time -- don't rush" when asked about our primary.

I think the race has been healthy -- we've had record turnout and thousands of new voters in states across the country. The excitement is unprecedented, and we'll have a fantastic nominee soon. But we have to run against John McCain now -- we can't afford to wait.

Make a contribution to help show the voters where John McCain stands on Iraq, and fund the organizers who are laying the ground work for Hillary or Barack:


Even if you can't contribute, make sure you send this ad to your friends and family. Every voter in the country deserves to see John McCain in his own words.

100 years may be fine with him, but it's not with the rest of us.

Thanks for your support,

Howard Dean

Make a Contribution

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