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Thursday, February 1, 2007

Weekly Update: Smearing Obama - Democrats for America's Future - 01.31.07

Democrats for America's Future

Here are the brand new highlights from the public area of the Democrats for America's Future ...

Republican Outrage of the Week

SMEARING OBAMA - Isn't it a little early for Republicans to be running scared about suffering further election losses in 2008? You can see how desperate they are when you look at their underhanded and fact-free smear of Barack Obama's childhood education ...

Plain Talk for Democrats

KENNEDY HITS HEARTLESS REPUBLICANS - What do Republicans have against American working men and women? That's the question posed last week by an angry Senator Ted Kennedy. He reached his boiling point as a result of GOP efforts to block a long-overdue wage hike for Americans who are just trying to get by ...

Key Issues to Watch

BUSH GAGS SCIENTISTS - For a guy who isn't the highest wattage bulb in the lamp, President George Bush sure thinks he has the right to dictate to scientists what they can and cannot say ...

Are you concerned by the Bush Administration decision to assert special new powers to override directions that Congress gives to federal agencies that protect clean air and water, go after Wall Street crooks and raise federal fuel-efficiency standards? Take our poll ...

FAILED IRAQ WAR IS EMBOLDENING TERRORISTS - Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman and presidential candidate Joseph Biden isn't mincing any words ...

WEBB KNOCKS OUT BUSH NONSENSE - If you didn't catch Senator Jim Webb's response to the Bush State of the Union Speech, you missed one hell of a rebuttal ...


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