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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Follow Me on Twitter and YouTube

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April 8, 2009


The response to our recent survey on the economy was overwhelming � and, most helpful.  Again, I thank those who participated.

I�d like to let you know I�m now using a few new �high-tech� tools to keep folks informed about what�s happening � and, what I�m up to when traveling around Florida.

First, I�m on Twitter.  And, as I visit communities around the state next week, I�ll be sending out updates.  If you want, you can go to Twitter and sign up to follow me.

Also, I�m posting speeches and such on YouTube.  I�ve set up a YouTube channel  so you can see videos in just one place.

I hope you�ll find these communications tools helpful.

Again, thanks for all you do to make Florida and our country great.


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Washington, D.C.
United States Senate

716 Senate Hart Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-5274
Fax: 202-228-2183
Landmark Two

225 East Robinson Street, Ste. 410
Orlando, Florida 32801
Phone: 407-872-7161
Toll Free in Florida: 1-888-671-4091
Fax: 407-872-7165
