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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Get Your Full-Time Education Stimulus Advisor Now for $500

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Ed Market Lookout - Sales Intelligence ofr the Education Community - Powered by THE Journal

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EML Delivers Authoritative Information Found Nowhere Else

  • In-depth, insider intelligence on federal and state aspects of stimulus and government education funding
  • Ongoing perspective and examination of the sea change in federal education funding and its implications for sales and marketing
  • Original research, reporting and analysis by Geoff Fletcher and Therese Mageau, two industry veterans who have been involved since the earliest days of education technology
  • Contributions from field experts in areas such as broadband, online learning, sales training and more
  • Immediate put-to-use sales and marketing strategies targeting specific funding initiatives
  • Guidance on how to partner optimally with schools to produce long-term growth and gain for all stakeholders


EML Offers Unrivaled Value Beyond What Today's Stimulus Funding Webinars and Reports Supply

  • Our content is based on original investigation and study—we do not collect headlines or recite news
  • We look at information from the vendor's viewpoint and its impact on sales and marketing
  • We leverage relationships in government, non-profits and industries to provide true insider tips
  • We supply relevant and actionable data that would normally cost companies thousands of dollars to acquire from a consultant

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