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Sunday, April 26, 2009

It's about jobs.

Repower America

Dear Friends,

Closing the carbon pollution loophole will create jobs. It's that simple.

We need those jobs and in two days we're delivering our petition to Congress to demand urgent action. More than 65,000 people have already signed.

Please take a moment to add your signature right now.

Our opponents have been trying to confuse the issue but our latest ad gives the facts:

Closing the loophole = More jobs
Closing the loophole = Solutions to the climate crisis

Watch the ad and add your support at this vital moment:


The fossil fuel industries producing most of our carbon pollution pay nothing. In fact, the current system actually protects and promotes these dirty energy sources. That's the carbon pollution loophole.

Closing the loophole will give a big boost to the clean energy economy and create new jobs. Ending our reliance on fossil fuels will make us safer and reduce our exposure to rollercoaster energy prices.

Of course, the powerful energy lobbies are fighting to keep the current system because it downplays their contribution to the climate crisis.
We've seen this before. When Congress worked in the late 1980s to reduce acid rain with a similar program to cap sulfur emissions, polluting industries fought tooth and nail against it. They said it would hurt consumers and the economy.

But they were wrong. Instead, the program cleaned things up at a fraction of the expected costs and average electricity prices actually dropped.

Today, the climate threat is serious and our economy desperately needs help. Putting a cap on carbon pollution addresses both challenges and we can't afford to wait. Congress needs to hear from you today:


The groundbreaking investments in President Obama's economic recovery package are a down payment on a clean energy future. This progress won't truly pay off unless we have a system that accounts for the real costs of carbon pollution.
Closing the loophole would be a major turning point toward prosperity and sustainability -- but if we do nothing, we'll be left with the status quo. American families just can't afford that anymore. That's why we need your support.

Urge Congress to close the carbon pollution loophole and get our economy back on track:


Steve Bouchard
Campaign Manager

