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Friday, December 21, 2007

one more thing ...


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Hi Phillip,

I just wanted to mention one more thing I didn't mention in my last email: in politics,  the end of the year marks the end of another fundraising quarter, and this one really counts for our friends who are trying to pick up some hard fought seats currently occupied by Roadblock Republicans.

When these numbers get reported in January, Republicans will pore over them looking for who might be vulnerable to attack. We want to show them that these Democrats are ready for the fight and can take anything the GOP can throw at them.

So do what you can to signal to the Republicans that 2008 will be a very bad year for them, and a very good year for Democrats.

And to widen the battlefield, I want to introduce another great Democrat to our fundraising mix: Tom Udall in New Mexico.  New Mexico is suddenly a great opportunity for Democrats to knock another brick out of the Republican Roadblock. And Tom's been a true progressive fighter in the House -- with his victory, it's going to be a great year for Democrats next year all over the country.

So let's give them the money they need now, and let's get to work in 2008.

One last thing: Teresa and I would just like to wish all of you a very happy holiday season, and a wonderful new year. Thank you for all you do -- and let's join in a New Year's resolution to make 2008 the year we build a big progressive majority in the United States that can get done all the things we've hoped for and dreamed of all these years.

Thanks for your help,
John Kerry


John Kerry For U.S. Senate
129 Portland Street, Suite 500
Boston, MA 02114-2014


 Paid for by John Kerry For U.S. Senate


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