Sarah Palin and the right wing fringe may be trying to scare Americans with talk of health care 'death panels' that don't actually exist but thanks to you, their baseless lies are being exposed and their offensive hate-speech is being forcefully smacked.
Check out the video of Chairman Barney Frank's scathing response to one town hall protester's 'vile contemptible nonsense' comparing President Obama's health insurance reform plan to Nazi policies. To show you all the other ways that you're continuing to help President Obama win the fight for health insurance reform, we wanted to bring you the next edition of @ Stake.
Republicans Lie, You Respond Thanks to you, our Health Care Emergency Response is holding Sarah, Rush, Newt, and their special interest friends accountable for the non-stop lying and fear-mongering.
After Rush Limbaugh openly compared the Democratic Party to Nazis and put swastikas on his website, 50,000 of you hit back hard by
signing our petition. We can't thank you enough for holding Rush accountable for his revolting hate speech.
Here are just some of the other ways that you've responded to the GOP's lies and fear mongering:
- Over 30,000 health care fact check cards downloaded and forwarded to friends and family.
- Thousands of letters to the editor written exposing Republican lies and supporting President Obama's plans for health insurance reform.
- Radio ads and automated phone calls hitting more than two dozen House Republicans, thanks to your generous financial support.
Keep the pressure on. Visit the DCCC's Grassroots Health Care ER Action Center to download your fact check card, sign up for Mobile Alerts, write a letter to the editor, and learn all the other ways that you can get involved. Heard Around Town: Latest Republican Outrages on Health CareThe debate over health insurance reform needs a strong dose of civility and fast. Here are some of the GOP's latest and most outrageous:
Help us stand strong against their despicable attacks. Sign our petition voicing your support for health insurance reform today and make sure to share it with friends and family.
With Congress soon returning to finish the battle over health insurance reform, stay tuned for future editions of @ Stake for more ways to get involved and all the latest breaking news about how you're helping President Obama win this fight for all Americans.
Thanks again for all of your incredible grassroots support,
Jon Vogel
Executive Director, DCCC
P.S. Republicans are out to make health insurance reform their swift-boat issue of the 2010 Midterms. Please consider making a generous financial contribution today to help Democrats fight back against their special-interest funded smears.