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Sunday, November 22, 2009

A narrow window


Dear Supporters,

Our Senators are getting back to work in Washington next week, and they've just announced that they'll be introducing their version of a clean energy and climate bill before the end of the month.

That means there's still a narrow window of time to make sure they get it right.

Tens of thousands of folks like you have already sent letters to their Senators asking them to seize this opportunity.

In fact, we're only 30,000 letters away from reaching 100,000 -- that's a lot of people sending their voices directly into the halls of Washington. That's a powerful message.

Will you send a letter of support now, and help us reach 100,000?


A strong clean energy and climate bill means millions of new American jobs, greater energy independence, and a healthier planet.

It's common sense to us. But clean energy is a threat to the oil and coal industry lobbyists, who are paid to by the special interests who make America less secure and more dependent on foreign oil.

Overcoming their effort, and making sure our Senators keep our country moving forward, is going to take a strong statement that can only come from thousands of Americans, speaking together.

100,000 letters from people like you and me telling our Senators that we think strong clean energy and climate legislation is the right choice for America cannot be ignored.

Please voice your support. Send your message today and help reach our goal of 100,000 letters to Senators:



Dave Boundy
Campaign Manager


Paid for by the Climate Protection Action Fund

