AHRQ is collaborating with Diversity Rx in its "Your Voice" initiative. With funding from The California Endowment, the Your Voice initiative is helping people in the field of cross cultural health care to network, collaborate, offer support, and learn from each other using Web 2.0 and virtual learning tools.
"Your Voice" is launching its third Community of Practice (peer learning network). For 10 months, 12 to 15 particpants will use an online learning platform to discuss common challenges and extra strategies and resources. The group, suppored by an email discussion group, will focus on how to collect and use patient demographic data to improve health care and reduce health care disparities.
Discussion topics may include:
- National efforts to standardize patient demographic data requirements;
- Categories used to reflect patient characteristics;
- Staffing challenges related to improving patient demographic data collection processes;
- Quality metrics to identify equitable health care practices;
- Using patient demographic data to properly design and allocate services;
- Health IT challenges and opportunities related improving data collection;
- Mechanisms and platforms used to tie patient demographic data to quality data;
- Communication strategies to inform hospital system staff and patients about improved patient demographic data; and
- Quality improvement approaches to eliminate identified health care disparities.
To find out more about the "Your Voice" initative, go to: http://www.diversityrxconference.org/Your-Voice/96/.
To apply for the "Collecting and Using Patient Demographic Data to Create Equitatble Health Care Systems" Community of Practice, go to: http://www.diversityrxconference.org/Your-Voice/Communities-of-Practice/Data-for-Equity/150/. The application deadline is September 10, 2009.
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