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Saturday, April 4, 2009


The Democratic Party
Friend --

Can you guess how many numbers are in the glossy new GOP budget?

The answer is zero.

As Congress prepares for a crucial vote on President Obama's budget this Thursday, Republican leaders have been plotting an all-out effort to block it without offering a single specific idea of their own. But we can't allow them to obstruct progress with hollow rhetoric.

Watch this video and donate $5 or more to help us air an ad exposing the GOP's petty politics before Thursday's important vote:

Watch the video

The President has proposed an honest budget that focuses on our most pressing national priorities -- renewable energy, affordable health care, and a better education for our children.

Change won't come easy, but President Obama knows that we can succeed if we come together around a truthful budget rather than a phony one that lacks any numbers or specific ideas.

With your donation, we can use the next two days to show members of Congress and all Americans that shiny budget report covers simply won't cut it -- we need a real budget that can offer us real results:


You helped elect President Obama because you rejected partisan rancor and empty promises.

Now it's time to follow through and show what real leadership looks like.

Thank you,


Jen O'Malley Dillon
Executive Director
Democratic National Committee

Please donate

Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee, www.democrats.org.
This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington, DC 20003

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
