Friday, April 10, 2009 Headlines
Coast Guard Commandant visits Maine from WMTW: Adm. Thad Allen, the Coast Guard's commandant, said he was very impressed with the skill level of the Bath Iron Works employees who build ships. He toured the state with U.S. Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, who hopes the tour will give an edge to the state when it comes time to craft a contract to build Coast Guard cutters.. Read more >> from MPBN: The commander of the US Coastguard today said that Bath Iron Works was in the running to help rebuild the coastguard's aging fleet in coming years. Admiral Thad Allen spent the day as a a guest of Senator Susan Collins touring Maine's coastguard and shipbuilding facilities...Read More >> President's budget calls on BIW to build all three DDG-1000 ships Senator Susan Collins, a member of the Senate Armed Services and Appropriations Committees, announced that Bath Iron Works is slated to build all three DDG-1000 Zumwalt-class destroyers according to the FY 2010 Department of Defense budget announced today by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. "This is incredibly welcome news for Maine and is a testament to the highly skilled, hard-working men and women at Bath Iron Works," said Senator Collins. "My goal has always been to help ensure a steady work flow at BIW and a strong industrial base for shipbuilding. That is why I worked hard to convince the President and the Navy to include full funding for a third DDG-1000 in the budget, and I am delighted that they have agreed. The Pentagon's preference to have BIW build all three of the DDG-1000's demonstrates confidence in BIW and should also stabilize production costs for the Navy. " Senator Collins' address to Goldfarb Center for Public Affairs Senator Collins was the guest lecturer at the biannual Goldfarb Lecture at Colby College on Sunday. The following is from a transcript of her lecture, entitled "Policy Making at the Outset of the Obama Administration" : "Bipartisanship is a principle, and principles do not change according to circumstance. Just as we cannot claim the virtue of honesty if we tell the truth only when it is easy, we cannot call for bipartisanship but really mean that it requires the other side to give in.I have been in both the majority and the minority. I have worked with Republican and Democratic presidents. I know that bipartisanship is more than a convenience, a nicety, or a clever political tactic. It is essential to solving the major challenges of our era and to restoring the public's confidence in government." Read More >> | SENATOR COLLINS AND ADMIRAL ALLEN ON USCG JAYHAWK HELICOPTER WELCOME HOME FREEDOM SALUTE Senator Collins attended the "Welcome Home Freedom Salute" in Rockland, to honor the men and women of Charlie Company, 126th Aviation Regimen. SENATOR COLLINS VISITS ARUNDEL MACHINE Senator Collins also recently toured Arundel Machine Tool, a family-owned business that manufactures and designs quality test metal components for the defense industry.
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