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Monday, April 27, 2009

People power



Pharmaceutical companies, the
insurance industry, and HMOs will stop at nothing to kill real
reform. They've got lobbyists. We've got you. When 1,000 people
contribute $100 each by the end of April, we'll have the
resources to launch our largest grassroots field effort ever.
Contribute Now.
Friends -

You're proving that people-powered campaigns work -- again.

Since I launched our Healthcare for All campaign at StandwithDrDean.com, the response has been incredible.

Already more than 270,000 Americans stand with us to say that a public option is the only way to guarantee healthcare for all Americans.

We've written over 34,000 letters to the editor at newspapers around the country to get the message out.

Members of MoveOn and TrueMajority as well as the entire Congressional Progressive Caucus have joined the campaign too. Together, we draw a line in the sand that inclusion of a public option is non-negotiable for any healthcare reform passed this year.

The bad news is that HMO's and Insurance Companies are already working to stop us.

But they don't have the American people on their side -- and with your help, we're going to prove it. If 1,000 people contribute $100 each by the end of April, we'll have the resources to launch our largest grassroots field effort ever.


This is a big campaign. Neighborhood canvasses, congressional meetings, calls, rallies, and targeted ads -- we'll need your help to pull it all off. I will personally deliver all our signatures and comments to Congress on the steps of the Capitol and I'll ask you to join me by delivering signatures to your member's local office.

I'm already traveling the country talking about this campaign and our call for real healthcare reform. Next week, I'll hit events in Florida and New York. But, we need to be everywhere, talking to everyone. That's why I need your help.

Pharmaceutical companies, the insurance industry, and HMOs will stop at nothing to kill real reform. They've got lobbyists. We've got you.


Thank you for everything you do.


Governor Howard Dean, M.D.
Founder, Democracy for America

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