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Monday, April 27, 2009

Conrad Announces Disaster Assistance


Dear Friends:

Late last week, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) approved the availability of Individual Assistance for the people of North Dakota as they recover from devastating floods.

FEMA granted Individual Assistance for the following counties: Adams, Barnes, Billings, Burleigh, Cass, Dickey, Emmons, Foster, Grand Forks, Griggs, Hettinger, Kidder, LaMoure, Logan, McIntosh, Mercer, Morton, Nelson, Ransom, Richland, Sargent, Steele, Stutsman, Towner, Traill and Williams Counties.

The approval of Individual Assistance is a big step and will soon deliver emergency aid that ensures individuals hurt by flooding have access to a wide range of relief, including funds for home repair and temporary housing. The decision also triggers Small Business Administration disaster loans for businesses and homeowners. Click here to learn how to apply for Individual Assistance.

I applaud FEMA for acting quickly to respond to the request for this disaster assistance for North Dakota.  The Obama Administration clearly recognizes the federal government's responsibility to help disaster victims get the assistance they need to help them get back on their feet.


United States Senate

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