Knowledge Management Conference & Exhibition - April 28-29 - Ronald Reagan Building - Washington, DC The 10th Annual Knowledge Management Conference will explore how government departments are working collectively to simplify access to public information, ensure the accuracy and privacy of the information they share, and analyze large data repositories to support actionable decision-making. Register Now
Cloud Computing Conference & Exhibition - April 29 - Ronald Reagan Building Washington, DC This intensive, one-day program will provide you with a clearer, sharper, more sophisticated understanding of the benefits and limitations of cloud computing. Register Now
Network Infrastructure: Balancing Access, Transparency and Security - Connecting the Dots - May 28 - Fairview Park Marriot - Falls Church, VA A one-day conference examining current and emerging hot topics in federal telecom and IT, such as Networx lessons learned to date, cyber security inside and outside the network; TIC & MTIPS; emerging threats to networks and systems, IPv6 Phase Two, and more. Register Now
Green Computing Summit - July 28-29 - Ronald Reagan Building - Washington, DC Get guidance, answers, best practices, and solutions on the latest green technologies and strategies to help your agency save energy and costs. Register Now
Enterprise Architecture Conference & Exhibition - September 9-10 - Ronald Reagan Building - Washington, DC This program brings together subject matter experts to discuss how to derive maximum value from your enterprise architecture investment during this popular, interactive two-day event. Register Now
Security Conference & Exhibition - November 12-13 - Ronald Reagan Building Washington, DC Share your knowledge and learn from others on avoiding data breaches, wireless security solutions, HSPD-12 experiences, security compliance, cross-border identity management, IPv6 security concerns, and more. Register Now