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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Bernie Buzz - February


Issue February 10, 2009 - http://sanders.senate.gov

Politico: Sanders Scores

"While the current economic troubles limit Sanders' sense of vindication, he's quick to point out his earlier opposition to the deregulation that many believe allowed a mild downturn to sink into a severe recession." To read the article, click here.

Dean for America

Sanders urged President Obama to name Howard Dean to head the Health and Human Services Department. The physician and former Vermont governor is "eminently qualified," Sanders said. To read about it in The Nation, click here. 

What Went Wrong?

Sanders called for a special investigation into what caused the financial collapse. In the Nation, John Nichols compared the idea to what FDR and his congressional allies did in the 1930s. To read the article, click here. To see Sanders' letter, click here.

Road to Recovery

The Senate today passed an $838 billion economic recovery bill that Sanders said was "not perfect but will go a long way to create millions of good-paying jobs." To read the senator's full statement or watch the video, click here.

Fat Cat Pay

The Senate approved a pay cap for executives at firms that take funds from the Troubled Asset Relief Program. The Sanders provision sets a limit of $400,000 a year, the salary of the U.S. president. To watch Bernie on The Rachel Maddow Show, click here.

Bank Layoffs

The Senate voted to bar banks that take bailouts and lay off U.S. employees from hiring foreign workers.  To read The Associated Press article that inspired the legislation by Senators Sanders and Charles Grassley, click here.

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