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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Peer Specialist Training opportunity, MUST RSVP by Feb 10 - and not to me!

If you've received this before from other sources, welll... then disregard.

From: Ortiz, Alejandro L (SAMHSA)
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 1:20 PM
Subject: Special opportunity - Quick response needed






Special opportunity - Quick response needed


Peer Specialist Training February 23-27, 2009 in St. Louis, MO., using the Georgia Peer Specialist model, and based on the Depression & Bipolar Support Alliance Peer-Specialist Training curriculum.


The Peers Helping Peers Technical Assistance Center is pleased to announce that with the help of a grant from SAMHSA/CMHS and the US Department of Health and Human Services, we are providing up to 5 scholarships, depending on amount of funding and travel costs. Scholarship assistance will be in the form of all expenses paid, including travel and hotel, with per diem for meals and incidental expenses.


Applications must be received by reply email not later than Tuesday, February 10, 2009. Special priority will be assigned to candidates who are currently employed in a peer specialist role, or are currently candidates for such positions, other than that all adults who have the lived experience of using mental health services are candidates for these scholarships.


There will be other opportunities throughout the year, so if you miss this one, there will other training opportunities.


Please use the application which follows below.

Jim McNulty

Director, Peers Helping Peers Technical Assistance Center
www.peershelpingpeers.org <http://www.peershelpingpeers.org/>
(866) 466-9330
(401) 965-8450 (direct)
Supported by SAMHSA/CMHS and the
US Department of Health and Human Services and the
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA)

Vice President, Peer Support
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA)
730 N Franklin Street, Suite #501
Chicago, IL 60654-7225
(312) 642-0049
(401) 965-8450
Toll Free: (800) 826-3632
Fax: (312) 642-7243

Web Site: www.dbsalliance.org <http://www.dbsalliance.org/>



Please return the completed application to:




Or fax to:



If you have any questions, please call:


Jim McNulty

401-965-8450 or





Application for Participation

2009 DBSA Peer Specialist Training

February 23-27, 2009


Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. This is not a "test" about right and wrong answers. Your responses will help us get to know you and will assist the Selection Committee in identifying and selecting qualified applicants. Make sure to answer all questions.


1. Understanding and Interest

A. Why do you want to become a peer specialist?




B. What makes you a good candidate to work with other consumers in the mental health field?




2. Recovery Experience

A. What does recovery mean to you?




B. What were/are important factors in your own recovery?




C. What types of experiences have you had in assisting, or advocating for, consumers

of mental health services (for example, support group leadership, self advocacy,

public testimony, programs you started, etc.)? Please be specific.




3. Environment and Access

A. Do you currently hold a position where you will use the skills gained through

Peer Specialist training and certification?


If yes, do you receive pay for this position?


Position Title/Location:




B. Are you a current candidate for a position where you will use the skills gained

through Peer Specialist training and certification?


If yes, will you receive pay for this position?


Position Title/Location:





Street Address:

City, State, Zip:

Phone number(s):

Fax number:


Note any special accommodation requests:



Please initial all items below to indicate your understanding of each:

___I certify that I have personal experience as a consumer of mental health services.


___If I am chosen as a training participant, I understand that I am responsible for funding my

      own registration fee, travel, hotel accommodations and meals other than breakfast.


___I understand that participating in the DBSA Peer Specialist training does not guarantee me

      employment or a volunteer position.



Demographic Information:

Please provide the following optional information to help ensure diversity of the training group. Aside from using aggregate numbers, Peer Helping Peers TAC will not maintain or use this information in any way.


Gender:  __M   __F




___ 26-39

___ 40-55

___ 56+


Physical Disability:


___Yes ___No




__Asian/Pacific Islander

__American Indian

__Black (not of Hispanic origin)


__White (not of Hispanic origin)







Want information on Federal mental health grants, publications, meetings, policies, programs and other useful material for mental health consumers? Join the CMHS Consumer Affairs Listserv at: http://mentalhealth.samhsa.gov/listserv/


Miriam L. Yarmolinsky, Director
Silver Spring Drop-In Center at Affiliated Santé Group
7961 Eastern Ave., First Floor
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Voice: (301) 589-2303 X 108; X 111 direct, during drop-in center hours
Fax: (301) 585-2965
e: myarmolinsky@santegroup.org
w: http://www.silverspringdropincenter.blogspot.com <http://www.silverspringdropincenter.blogspot.com/>   for monthly calendar of activities; also visit http://www.thesantegroup.org <http://www.thesantegroup.org/
~ The Silver Spring Drop-In Center's hours of operation (for visiting the center) are M, T, Wed, and Thurs, 3 - 7 pm, and Sat 12 - 5 pm. Membership is FREE ~
* If you have never visited the drop-in center before, please arrange for a brief interview beforehand. Membership applications are available by email in PDF file or in person. Thanks! *
