"Election Process and Procedures in the District of Columbia"
The D.C. Council's Board of Elections and Ethics Special Investigation Committee, chaired by Mary Cheh (Ward 3), will hold a hearing on Monday, January 26th at 10:30 a.m. to "receive testimony from the public concerning issues related to voter registration and operations of the Board of Elections and Ethics." The hearing will be at the John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW in Room 500.
People with disabilities, their allies, and community advocates are urged to attend and to testify with recommendations for ways the Board of Elections and Ethics can help all DC residents vote.
s Our colleagues at the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) are encouraging people to show their support for election day registration (sometimes called "same day registration"). Election day registration increases voting by 10% to 12% and may be particularly helpful for people with disabilities, people who are homeless, and others for whom advance voter registration requirements can be a barrier to voting. A copy of AAPD's fact sheet on election day registration is attached.
s Our colleagues at University Legal Services have just released a report, "Accessible Voting in DC Still beyond Reach," which documents barriers faced by voters with disabilities in the District's November 4, 2008 general election. 4.8% of precincts were structurally inaccessible (e.g., had barriers for voters with mobility disabilities such as steps, narrow doorways, etc.) and 8.7% of precincts were operationally inaccessible (e.g., problems with equipment or practices by poll workers created barriers for people with disabilities). A copy of the ULS report is attached.
For more information about AAPD's election day registration project, contact Sarah Peterson at (202) 457-0046 ext. 21 or speterson@aapd.com. For more information about the ULS report, contact Akua Gyimah-Brempong at abrempong@uls-dc.org or (202) 547-0198 ext. 102.
To sign up to testify on Monday or to submit a written statement, contact Akumina Benjamin at abenjamin@dccouncil.us or (202) 724-8062. People are also encouraged to attend to show their support for accessible voting for all residents of the District of Columbia.