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Sunday, December 14, 2008

Just in time for holiday shopping - Roboform manages passwords and fills online forms in one click

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A special offer from RegNow and Siber Systems


Size:   2.8 Mb
Price:   $29.95 $23.96
Platforms:   95/98/ME/NT/2K
Other:   Roboform Adapter
 v.6.9.91 required to
 run in Firefox,
 Mozilla, and  Netscape


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Password Manager

Remembers passwords... so you don't have to!

Save 20% - now only $23.96

Roboform Password Manager and Form Filler has been saving you time and making your life easier since 1999. Our software automatically remembers your passwords, logs you into websites, fills long web forms, and so much more.

RoboForm is amazingly fast and easy to use!

Just in time for holiday shopping-use Roboform to securely fill out your checkout forms for quick online shopping. One click and you are done!


  • Easy: Automatically memorizes your passwords and logs you into websites.
  • Saves Time: Fills long registration and checkout forms with one click.
  • Secure: Encrypts your passwords, fights Phishing, and defeats Keyloggers.
  • Strong: Generates random passwords to protect you against hackers.
  • Portable: RoboForm2Go runs from a USB flash drive.
  • PDA-friendly: Sync your passwords to Pocket PC and Palm.
  • Robust: Works with Internet Explorer, AOL, MSN, and other browsers.
  • Always Current: Fully compatible with IE 7 and Vista.

Get RoboForm Today - We Guarantee You'll Love It!


IMPORTANT: this offer is only valid
for a limited period of time!


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                                                                 Digital River, Inc.  9625 West 76th Street  Eden Prairie, MN 55344
