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Friday, October 31, 2008

A Special Message from Governor Palin to America's Military Families

John McCain 2008

Goodevening from Veterans' Headquarters in Arlington:

Governor Sarah Palin took some time out on the campaign trail to record a special message to America's military families. As a proud Blue Star mom, she wanted to share her thoughts and hopes with others who have loved ones serving in America's Armed Forces. CLICK HERE TO VIEW HER MESSAGE.

Please spread this around to your friends both Governor Palin and John McCain know exactly what it's like to live in a military family, and both will fight on behalf of all of those with loved ones serving in the active, Guard, and Reserve forces.

To continue that fight, though, they need your help. They need the votes of your fellow Americans, and they need your hard work as we make our final push. CLICK HERE to sign up for a shift at your local Victory center. If you live near one of our target states and can travel in for a few days or a weekend before the election, CLICK HERE to sign up now.

13 days to make history!

Lang Sias

National Director for Veterans Outreach

McCain/Palin 2008

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McCain-Palin 2008
Phone: (703) 418-2008

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