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Friday, October 31, 2008

A 'must-win' in Ohio


Progressive Majority

Dear Friend,

Matt Patten needs your support. Matt is one of 11 Progressive Majority candidates running for the Ohio House, where a pick-up of just four seats will flip control of the House from Republicans to Democrats.

Conservatives have dominated Ohio politics for the past 20 years. But, this year, we can take back the Ohio House from conservatives' clutches. That's why Matt needs your support to win a neck-and-neck battle for the Cleveland suburbs.

View Matt's latest campaign ad below, then make your donation to help this ad reach Ohio voters.

Click to view video

Matt, a community organizer and labor leader, is running in our most competitive race in Ohio. His opponent, Colleen Grady, is an entrenched far-right conservative who has used her seat on the state Board of Education to try to change how teachers present topics such as evolution, stem cell research and global warming in public schools, according to The Columbus Dispatch. She's been called a "disaster for education and economic development" by leading educators.* She's spent more than $100,000 on misleading attack ads on Matt that were called "dirty politics" by the Sun News.

We don't need Grady's kind of politics – in Ohio or anywhere.

Your help goes a long way. A donation of $50 buys three spots on Lifetime television. A donation of $100 buys an entire day's worth of ad airtime on a local cable news station.

Ohioans need Matt Patten, and our nation needs progressive leadership in Ohio. Because, when bold new progressive leaders such as Matt Patten wrest control of the Ohio House from conservative hands, their progressive influence extends all the way to the national level.

Click here to help Matt Patten usher in a new era of progressive leadership in Ohio.

Together, in 2008, we can take back our country. The first step is to take back Ohio.


Gloria A. Totten
Gloria Signature
Progressive Majority

*Letters Unlimited, Cleveland Plain Dealer, September 17, 2008, "Colleen Grady's anti-science record should give Ohio House District 18 voters pause," posted by Lawrence Krauss and Patricia Princehouse.

Help Us Build a Progressive Majority: We're building a progressive network of candidates, activists and friends. Tell five friends about Progressive Majority's work and email list and help us build the movement across the country!

Support Progressive Majority: Progressive Majority is on the ground, working with progressive candidates and campaigns to make sure they have the skills and knowledge to win! Your support of Progressive Majority can make all the difference in ensuring we have qualified candidates running for office.

Contributions and gifts to Progressive Majority and Progressive Majority Ohio are not tax deductible. Contributions to Progressive Majority may be used to support our state and local political activities. Contributions from foreign nationals are prohibited. Paid for by Progressive Majority Ohio, 1825 K Street NW, Suite 450, Washington, DC 20006, Thomas Matzzie, Treasurer.

Progressive Majority
Powered by Grassroots Enterprise, Inc.

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