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Friday, August 29, 2008

What Hillary Didn't Say


Last night, you may have watched Senator Hillary Clinton's speech at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, praising Senator Barack Obama. But what you didn't hear is her acclaim for John McCain- a man she knows is prepared to lead as our next president

Senator Clinton, a long-time admirer of John McCain, has repeatedly said she believes Senator Obama is not ready to for the presidency because he lacks the experience necessary to lead. She said,"In this election we need a nominee who can pass the Commander in Chief test. ... Senator McCain will bring a time of experience to the campaign. I will bring a lifetime of experience and Senator Obama will bring a speech he gave in 2002. I think that is a significant difference."

John McCain is the candidate ready to lead our country as president but he won't win without your support. Unlike Senator Obama, John McCain will keep his pledge to the American people and participate in the presidential public funding system. So beginning September 1st, our campaign is limited in the amount of money we can spend, while Senator Obama will spend whatever he wants to defeat us. Your immediate donation is needed to win this campaign.

As president, John McCain will always put his country first above all else. He has done so his entire life. Everyone agrees- Republicans and Democrats alike- that he has the experience and judgment to serve as our next Commander in Chief. Now we need to elect him on November 4th. Will you do your part today? Will you follow this link to make a financial contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or more before our fundraising deadline on August 31st? Thank you.

Rick Davis
Campaign Manager

P.S. We're quickly approaching an important deadline. On August 31st, our campaign will no longer be able to accept your primary contribution. And as we face an opponent with a huge financial war chest, any amount you give right now will help secure a victory as we head into our own Convention. Please join the constantly growing group of supporters - of all party affiliations- who say, "John McCain is ready to lead." Thank you.


Paid for by John McCain 2008
