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Friday, August 29, 2008

Straight From Denver

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

Dear Friend,
Contribute today and House Democrats will match your gift 3-to-1!

I am here in Denver at the Convention and I can tell you everything is going great so far. Did you see the amazing speeches Hillary Clinton and Mark Warner gave last night? But, I have to remind you that the Speaker has set an ambitious goal to raise ONE MILLION DOLLARS for Convention Week.

I mean the Republicans' convention starts next week and we all know those Bush lemmings are going to be everywhere, saying anything. This week is our chance and we have got to make it big.

Tonight we hear from our future Vice President Joe Biden. And tomorrow we hear from Barack Obama, our next president.

Those speeches will create an enormous sense of momentum. Our job is to keep that momentum growing and rolling forward from Denver to November. So we can roll right over those Republicans next week. And Democratic House members are TRIPLING all Convention Week gifts. We need about $350,000 more and if everyone pitched in $35, $50, or more today, we would hit our goal and then some. So what are you waiting for?

Contribute $35, $50, or more today to our Denver to November campaign and your gift will be MATCHED 3-to-1 before our end of week deadline.

Look KARL ROVE has been hired as a Senior Advisor to the multi-billionaire Sheldon Adelson - who has created what has been dubbed as the next Swift-boat Veterans for Truth - we can't afford not to act.

These Republicans aren't going to sit back and play nice. We have to have the resources to be prepared.

The world is watching our fundraising totals this week to see if we have the strength to win. Let's make this happen.

Contribute $35, $50, or more today to our Denver to November campaign and your gift will be MATCHED 3-to-1 before our end of week deadline.

Winning elections is about seizing big moments like this, sensing your advantage, and then doing everything in your power to hold onto that advantage.

Barack Obama and Joe Biden in the White House - and a strengthened Democratic majority in the House. That's what we're after. And that's what we can win if you act now.

On to victory,
Brian Wolff
Brian Wolff
DCCC Executive Director

P.S. Be sure to check out the new pictures from Denver on the DCCC's Convention Zone web site.

Contribute Forward to your friends

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Paid for by Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
430 South Capitol Street, S.E. Washington, D.C. 20003
(202) 863-1500 - www.dccc.org
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
