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Friday, August 29, 2008

[tenac] Homelessness & Franklin Shelter FORUM by Panelists from S.O.M.E., IPS (Institute for Policy Studies), Legal Clinic for the Homeless, Empower DC, Charlie's Place



 IPS' Social Action & Leadership School for Activists


Empower DC


Franklin Shelter & The Fight Against Homelessness

Monday, September 8th, 2008

6:45 - 8:45pm
1112 16th Street, NW, suite 600

Wash DC 20036

After New Orleans, Washington, DC is among the highest rates of homelessness of any city in the nation. Regardless, the DC city government is trying to close Franklin Shelter, by October 1st, at the beginning of hypothermia season. Last year 28 homeless people died of hypothermia or conditions related to exposure. While there is some organizing and opposing this anti-people measure, the outcry is not enough. Join SALSA for a panel discussion to explore why our area has one of the highest rates of homelessness, why people are homeless, and what you can do to support the Franklin Shelter and be involved in ending homelessness in our region.


Brian Anders, Empower DC

MaryAnn Luby, Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless

Marco Murillo, So Others Might Eat (SOME)

Nancy Lewis, co-founder of Charlie's Place

Jesse Smith, former Franklin Shelter Resident and homeless advocate

This forum is free and open to the public but a $5.00 suggested donation would be appreciated to go to the efforts around keeping Franklin Shelter open.

Because space in limited please pre-register online here! or call 202-234-9382.   SALSA is a program of the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS).

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