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Friday, August 29, 2008

Rolling up our sleeves

Weekend of Action Events This has been a convention of extraordinary moments. Ted Kennedy passing the torch to a new generation. Michelle Obama moving the crowd to tears. And tonight, Joe Biden will give the biggest speech of his life.

Millions of Americans are watching and counting on us to win this election and deliver real change.

They're not just counting on Barack and Joe -- they are counting on you. Hillary couldn't have said it better: "None of us can afford to sit on the sidelines."

This is our one shot, so let's roll up our sleeves -- or risk another four or eight years of the same disastrous Bush-McCain policies.

Sign up right now for events happening this week in your community -- and in Virginia, an important battleground state.

Tomorrow, Barack will accept the Democratic nomination, and supporters all across the country are getting together to be a part of this historic moment.

Then, this weekend, we'll kick off the biggest voter registration and mobilization drive in the history of politics.

Attend a Convention Watch Party this Thursday evening, and find a Weekend of Action event near you in Virginia:


If this convention has shown us anything, it's how much energy and enthusiasm is out there -- and how much passion for change.

Voters in all 50 states are realizing what's at stake. And they're hearing Barack's message of change in every corner of the country.

Let's seize this incredible opportunity and work together to get out the vote like never before.

Attend a Convention Watch Party near you and sign up for a Weekend of Action event near you in Virginia.

Supporters like you have brought us this far, but there's still a lot work to be done.

At this crucial time in our campaign, it's never been more important to get involved.



Jon Carson
National Field Director
Obama for America



Paid for by Obama for America


