Head for the hills, Hillary -- the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy is back!
Dear Fellow Conservative: Already tired of the left-wing media spin on the 2008 elections? Had enough of Democratic talking heads hyping tax increases and the global warming scare? Looking for an island of straight-talking sanity in today's swamp of multi-culti liberal gibberish? Look no further. The Official Handbook of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy -- 2008 Presidential Election Edition shows you how to shoot down the latest liberal rants for bigger government, a cowardly foreign policy, and depraved social values. And now, for a limited time, HUMAN EVENTS is making The Official Handbook of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy -- 2008 Presidential Election Edition available to you absolutely FREE. The liberals have devised an amazing number of new lunacies in the two years since the last edition of the Handbook appeared. But here are all the concise conservative counterpoints you need to slice and dice nutty liberal arguments for: - Amnesty for illegal immigrants
- Giving constitutional rights to terrorism suspects
- Global Warming hysteria
- Waving the white flag in Iraq
- Snuffing out talk radio by resurrecting the Fairness Doctrine
- Believing 9/11 was an "inside job"
- Imposing same-sex marriage by activist judges
and many, many more. CLICK HERE to get your FREE copy of The Official Handbook of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy -- 2008 Presidential Election Edition today. Sincerely, Thomas S. Winter Editor in Chief, HUMAN EVENTS
P.S. Here is how to tick off a liberal...just subscribe to HUMAN EVENTS today! (And you'll receive a FREE copy of The Official Handbook of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy -- 2008 Presidential Election Edition -- a $27.95 value.) P.P.S. Make a liberal even angrier by subscribing for 70 weeks and also get absolutely free, The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Middle East For instant service, call us toll-free at 888.GO.RIGHT (888.467.4448).
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