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Friday, July 4, 2008

Mischief Making

James Carville

Dear Friends,

Midnight Tonight

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Republicans are placing a big bet on Karl Rove.

Freedom's Watch, the secretive Republican attack group zeroing in on Democratic House candidates, has put its expected $200 million war chest in the hands of Karl Rove.

They're handing him hundreds of millions of dollars to spend attacking our candidates with this year's biggest "Swift Boat" group. But, you and I can make sure Rove's new gig as the mischief-making maven of the GOP attack group Freedom's Watch is a total bust.
Midnight tonight is your last chance to give before the June 30th FEC deadline- the first since Barack Obama became the presumptive Democratic nominee. And, Republicans, the media and the pundits are foaming at the mouth to use Democrats fundraising totals as a measure of our chances for success. Let's show Karl Rove and his friends what we are made of and my friends House Democrats will chip in too- they said they would match whatever you give 2-to-1 if you give before midnight tonight.
Contribute $35, $50 or more before MIDNIGHT-and your gift will be matched two-to-one.

The story is that Rove has teamed up with Sheldon Adelson - the billionaire casino mogul behind Freedom's Watch.  As a result, Rove will have nearly a quarter of a billion dollar kitty at his disposal.

And, he'll use every red cent of it to unleash on Democratic candidates a relentless stream of attacks that twist the truth and prey on people's emotions.  His group and others including one run by disgraced GOP leader Tom DeLay will stop at nothing to win.

You and I have to respond with wave after wave of Democratic energy that won't let Rove's recklessness, DeLay's deceptions, or McCain's machinations undermine our candidates.

Contribute $35, $50 or more before MIDNIGHT-and your gift will be matched two-to-one.

At midnight, we'll hit that crucial June 30th deadline.  When those reports come out, let's make sure no one can doubt that we Democrats are on a no-looking-back, won't be denied drive to victory.

Rove can run through Adelson's money faster than a hapless tourist dropping his last paycheck at a Vegas roulette wheel.

We're still going to be holding the winning cards on November 4th.

Don't miss that June 30 deadline,

James Carville

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