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Friday, February 1, 2008

What a Week

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
Dear Phillip,
What a big, action-packed political week we're in the midst of -- starting with the President's last State of the Union address, and candidates continuing to criss-cross across America as February 5th approaches. Amid all that activity, we can't miss a crucial moment. The first critical FEC filing deadline of 2008 for Democrats arrives at midnight tonight. If ever there was a time for a dramatic show of Democratic strength, this is it. Presidential candidates are running for the White House. And Republican members of the House are running for the hills. They're retiring in droves. So far, 28 of them have decided not to seek re-election. They stood with the Bush White House through all the incompetence, failure and deceit and now they'll be leaving town with Bush and Cheney next January. These Republicans are creating open seats, which mean big Democratic opportunities. Let's make sure strong Democratic candidates win as many of these open seats as possible. Fill open seats with strong Democrats. Donate before tonight's midnight deadline. All told, there are 75 House seats where the competition between strong Democrats and desperate Republicans is going to be especially intense. And, fearing a Big Change election that could weaken the Republicans for years to come, the GOP campaign machine has shifted into high gear. Republicans members in "safe" districts poured a huge influx of cash into Republican party committees in December. And now, shadowy groups like Tom DeLay's Coalition for Conservative Majority and Freedom's Watch, the group led by former Bush mouthpiece Ari Fleischer are building multi-million dollar warchests. They're also hard at work, training an army of recruits to spread their spin, mistruths and lies in targeted districts across the country. We have to be ready to take them on, making sure their cynical strategies don't defeat hope and destroy the promise of this vitally important election year. Donate before the midnight deadline. Make this a big change election. All eyes will be on the DCCC as we report our fundraising totals for this critical first month of the 2008 election year. Let's prove to people that we've got the energy, determination -- and financial resources -- to carry our Party's candidates to victory in the race for the White House and in critical House contests all across the nation. Remember, you've got to act fast. That midnight deadline is fast approaching. On to victory, Brian Wolff Brian Wolff, DCCC



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