Dear Phillip,
You're my secret weapon.
All the other campaigns are busy talking about me. But with your support, I'm staying focused on what's important in this race. I never forget what we're working for when I'm out on the campaign trail.
That's why I'd like one of you to join me for a day. I'm so proud of what you and I have accomplished, and every day I see the results. More and more people are joining our campaign for change, and what you and I do in the coming weeks will make the difference in this election.
So I want to invite one of you and a guest to join me for a day to see what we're building together. With just a few weeks until the first caucuses and primaries, there's no more exciting time than now. There's also no better time to help.
Will you help me win these first few primaries and caucuses by contributing today? You could join me out on the campaign trail.
We'll take a few minutes to grab a sandwich and talk. Enter to join me on the campaign trail. Make a contribution today.
Click here to make a contribution. You'll have the chance to see exactly what I mean about the campaign we're building if you join me for a day of rallies, handshakes, and talking to voters. We'll get away for a few minutes to talk over sandwiches, just you, your guest, and me.
Two of my online supporters, Ron Wood and Michelle Smith, joined me for a day on the trail last Labor Day. We had a terrific conversation about how the campaign works and where they hoped we could lead the country.
I was thrilled to have them. I wish I could take all of you along with me, but there's not enough room for my million-plus online supporters!
I'm excited to show one of you how the campaign we're building together is paying off. But I'm also asking for your help again because the race is not over yet.
Enter before midnight Eastern time on Friday, November 16, and you could join me on the campaign trail during the home stretch.
Enter to join me on the campaign trail. Make a contribution today.
Click here to make a contribution. Now there is just a little further to go. The first caucuses and primaries begin in just a matter of weeks. I hope I can count on you to be there with me.

Hillary Rodham Clinton
P.S. You won't believe the amazing organization your contributions have helped build. Enter before midnight Eastern time on Friday, November 16, and you might get the chance to see it in person on the campaign trail.