Dear Friends,
As your Representative in the United States Congress, one of my most important duties is communicating with you about matters of national importance and providing updates on happenings in Congress, as well as hearing your views on the issues of the day.
One way to do that is to sign up for my email newsletter. These periodic updates will highlight current issues and upcoming events, and occasionally contain surveys for you to share your views. In this newsletter, I would like to share with you a report on how the 110th Congress is working to lead the nation in a New Direction and towards a greater America.
Legislation passed and signed into law during the 110th Congress will have a real, positive effect on the lives of Americans by making our nation safer, restoring accountability and openness in government, and restoring the American dream for everyone. Some of our agenda items signed into law include:
- 9-11 Commission Recommendations to protect America from terrorism.
- Largest expansion of college aid since the 1944 GI Bill, which will save the average college student $4,400.
- First minimum wage increase in a decade, which will give a pay raise to 13 million American workers.
- An "Innovation Agenda" that will keep American workers competitive in the 21st century global economy.
- The most sweeping lobbying and ethics reform since Watergate, which will restore the trust of the American people in our government.
- Reconstruction assistance to help rebuild the Gulf Coast in the wake of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
- Passing and adhering to pay-as-you-go budget rules and passing a balanced budget to restore fiscal responsibility to our government and prevent handing our debt off to our children and grandchildren.
As 2007 comes to a close, the 110th Congress is committed to completing our work on key priorities, including:
- Providing health care for 10 million low-income children.
- Making the largest increase in veterans' health care in the 77-year history of the Veterans Administration.
- Making our nation more energy independent.
- Combating global warming.
- Making investments in our nation's future, including education, health care, and cops on the beat.
- Continuing to challenge the President on Iraq no more blank checks for his failed strategy.
More information on the accomplishments of the 110th Congress available here.
Constituent input is a vital component of the legislative process, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the issues that affect you. Please know that I respect your privacy. Your information will not be sold, shared, traded or rented, and my updates will not overwhelm your inbox. On average, you should expect them once or twice a month. Sign up for my newsletter here.
As your Congressman, your interests and concerns are important to me, and I want to work on the issues that matter most to you. Please, keep in touch and do let me know if I may ever be of assistance to you.
With kindest regards, I am,
Sincerely Yours,

Member of Congress