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Friday, June 8, 2007

All talk

The Democratic Party
End the denials


President Bush announced a new strategy to deal with global warming last week: let the next president deal with it.

Just take a look at the news. The White House called for a summit of the top-15 global greenhouse gas emitters, but then announced that it would only have a "long term, aspirational goal" -- one with voluntary targets for emission reductions.

That's because the Bush Administration wants to talk about global warming, but never do anything about it. And rest assured, if another Republican moves in to the White House in January 2009, you can be sure that we'll have four more years of climate change denial.

Make global warming a priority in the 2008 election. Contribute to the Democratic Party today:


Just days prior to the summit announcement, the White House rejected a G8 climate change agreement, calling it "fundamentally incompatible with the President's approach to climate change."

Now the president's "approach" has rubbed off on the 2008 Republican presidential hopefuls.

Mitt Romney, John McCain, Tom Tancredo, and Sam Brownback have all opposed strict fuel efficiency standards. McCain, while sponsoring a bill capping carbon emissions, has opposed renewable energy standards. And Rudy Giuliani, now a partner in Houston law firm for Big Oil, has barely said anything about global warming at all.

The ugly truth behind the Republicans' resistance to tough global warming measures is that they're completely beholden to the oil industry. As long as Big Oil keeps Republicans flush with cash, they will continue to obstruct efforts to stop global warming.

There is only one way to guarantee our government gets serious about climate change: electing a Democratic president in 2008.

Make that happen by contributing to the Democratic Party:


18 months ago, President Bush stood on Capitol Hill, stating that "America is addicted to oil." But since that speech, the White House has made a lot of plans to invest in cleaner energy for a greener planet, but hasn't followed through on any of them.

As House global warming committee chairman Edward Markey said, "This is a rope-a-dope strategy ... It's an attempt to hoodwink the American people into believing he is actually going to do something about global warming. President Bush has moved from a strategy of denial to a strategy of delay."

We don't need four more years of needless studies about the existence of global warming -- we need four years of Democratic leadership to start working to stop it.



Governor Howard Dean, M.D.

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