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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

USNews.com: Political Bulletin: Tuesday, March 13, 2007

USNews.com: Political Bulletin: Tuesday, March 13, 2007: "Kennedy And McCain Recede From Round 2 Of Senate Immigration Debate The immigration reform debate is about to start anew on Capitol Hill. The New York Times reports Sen. Edward Kennedy, one of the Senate's leaders on the issues, has 'abandoned efforts to produce a new immigration bill' and will instead back legislation produced by the GOP-controlled Senate Judiciary Committee last year legislation that ultimately didn't pass. The Times adds that Sen. John McCain, the highest profile Republican supporter of 'comprehensive' immigration reform in years past, is 'backing away from that role.' McCain 'told several colleagues last week that he was stepping away from the bill because he was troubled by labor provisions it included.' The Times speculates that the real reason McCain is taking a lesser role is his desire to disassociate himself from 'amnesty' supporters as he seeks the 2008 GOP nomination for president. The Times notes that in Guatemala yesterday President Bush said he 'hoped to see an immigration bill completed by the fall and that he was working with Republicans to define a position most could support.' According to the Christian Science Monitor, analysts say the immigration bill's supporters will need 'at least' 20 Republican votes in the Senate and anywhere from 40 to 80 votes in the House. President Bush, in Guatemala yesterday, urged Congress to get to work on the issue and pass a bill by summer. The Washington Post notes Bush called that 'a goal rather than a deadline,' adding that was 'the first time Bush has prodded lawmakers with a time frame since Democrats took over Congress.' The Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, Miami Herald, New York Times and USA Today run similar reports on Bush's comments."
