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Friday, January 29, 2010


James Carville
Dear Friend,
Critical Deadline - Contribute Today

After a summer of out-of-control town halls, I thought the outrageous behavior of the the birthers, deathers and other crazies leading the Republican Party couldn't get any worse.

Then, Joe "You Lie" Wilson tried to shout down the President of the United States in front of Congress and the dam burst.

Instead of condemning Wilson, Republicans hailed him as a hero, and he's raised more than $2 million from right-wing activists since his shameful outburst.

Republicans know they're out of ideas, so now they not only encourage shouting, smears, and distortions -- they actually reward it.

Help me send a message to Washington that Americans want real leadership, not petty name-calling and wild conspiracy theories. We're just five days out from the all important FEC Fundraising deadline and $381,452 short of our million dollar goal, which with our match means $3 million towards rapid response.

Contribute $50, $75 or more today to our Million Dollar Match and put us over the top before MIDNIGHT Wednesday. For every dollar you give before the FEC deadline, a group of Democrats will match it with $2 of their own, tripling your impact.

I almost feel sorry for Republicans as they watch the lunatic fringe gobble up what's left of their party.

But when you join hands with people who don't believe President Obama is an American citizen...or think he's the anti-Christ .... or compare him to Hitler and his policies to Nazi Germany, don't be surprised when they drag you and your party down the rabbit hole into a reality-free zone.

We can't let Republicans take the rest of the country down with them.

Contribute $50, $75 or more today to our Million Dollar Match. For every dollar you give before MIDNIGHT Wednesday a group of Democrats will match it with $2 of their own, tripling your impact.

House Democrats are on the front lines in the fight against radical Republicans and their assault on President Obama's agenda for getting our country going again. And, we need your help.

This is a make or break time for the President's health care reform plan, and the media will be watching the FEC fundraising totals to see who has the upper hand. Republicans believe that obstructing President Obama's agenda is their ticket to recapturing Congress next year. And, the fact is, they're right-but you can stop them.

Contribute $50, $75 or more today to our Million Dollar Match. For every dollar you give before the FEC deadline, a group of Democrats will match it with $2 of their own, tripling your impact.

Next year is going to be the toughest midterm election in history.

Now is the time for every Democrat who cares about the future of this country to get in the fight.

Thank you.

James Carville
James Carville

P.S. Wednesday is an absolutely critical deadline. We must put up big numbers and show the nation that the momentum is with President Obama and his health insurance reform plan. Contribute today to our Million Dollar Match. For every dollar you give before the FEC deadline, a group of Democrats will match it with $2 of their own, tripling your impact.

Contribute Forward to your friends

*A group of Democrats will match your donation today. For every dollar that you donate, these Democrats will donate two dollars of their own.
Paid for by Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
430 South Capitol Street, S.E. Washington, D.C. 20003
(202) 863-1500 - www.dccc.org
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee are not tax deductible.

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