Dear Phillip, This summer, opponents of health care reform have shown they are willing to do whatever it takes to derail it. But health care reform is too important to millions of Americans who are struggling with the rising costs of health care. So, today we're launching a campaign to remind Congress what's at stake the lives of real people and their families. People like Sherri B. of Boca Raton, FL, who is finding it difficult to get insurance because of a pre-existing condition: she is a breast cancer survivor. Each day, we'll tell the story of someone like Sherri. We want you to send one or more of these stories to your members of Congress and remind them who health care reform is REALLY about.  To achieve effective reform, we need a healthy, public debate over what's best for the American people. But opponents of reform don't want to debate the provisions of the bill. That's why they're trying to confuse and scare Americans out of supporting health care reform. The time has come to change the subject back to what this debate is really about: people like Sherri and the millions of other Americans who need reform. Let's send Congress a dose of reality and remind them that we can't let the debate be derailed any longer. The opposition might be loud, but that's exactly why your help is so critical to making sure that myths and scare tactics don't drown out the voices of real people who need reform. It's time to turn the debate back over to the people who need to be heard. Thanks again for all you do! To read Sherri's story and send it to Congress, click here. Sincerely, The Divided We Fail Team P.S. Help us get the word out about who this health care debate is really about. Share this on Facebook or through your Twitter account. |