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Thursday, December 10, 2009

A message from Governor David A. Paterson

From the Office of Governor David A. Paterson

Dear Citizen,

     Today�s decision by the Court of Appeals affirming my appointment of Richard Ravitch as our Lieutenant Governor is a victory for all New Yorkers.

     Lieutenant Governor Ravitch is an exemplary public servant and business leader, who has spent his life working on behalf of the people of this State. Time and again he has answered the call to duty, never hesitating to abandon the comforts of private life for the trenches of public service. Thanks to today�s decision, he will be able to serve once again.

     We face serious challenges and this is a time for real leadership. I have asked Lieutenant Governor Ravitch to work on a long-term fiscal recovery plan and to provide recommendations on structural reform of our State�s finances. As we fight our way out of an historic economic crisis, Richard Ravitch�s experience will prove to be invaluable. I look forward to working with the Lieutenant Governor to create jobs, balance our budget, and provide economic security for all New Yorkers.


David A. Paterson
Governor of New York State

This a message from the New York State Executive Chamber, State Capitol, Albany, NY 12224. 
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