We will be planting one American flag for every ten Americans who have died so far this year from lack of health insurance.
That's more than 3,000 flags.
We'll be setting up the Flag Memorial on the Mall near the National Monument at 15th St. and Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C.
The memorial will be up from later today -- Sunday the 20th -- to 6 pm on Sunday the 27th.
If you would like to help set up the Flag Memorial today --
Or if you would like to volutneer any time this week at the Flag Memorial --
Please contact Dr. Margaret Flowers at 410.591.0892 or mdpnhp@gmail.com.
Russell Mokhiber
Single Payer Action
(The 44,000 dead due to lack of health insurance -- 120 a day -- is based on a new study released this week. See Single Payer Action story here.)