RNC Co-Chairman Jan Larimer is pleased to announce the start of the RNC Women's Interactive Network Conference Call Series. The Issue-Based Conference Call Series will invite Republican political leaders, policy experts, and media personalities to address the members of the RNC Women's Program and discuss prominent topics confronting our Party, how to get involved, and how to help the RNC win elections.
We are excited to have Gentry Collins, the RNC's Political Director, as the featured speaker for our first conference call on Tuesday, September 15, 2009 at 5:00 pm EDT. Gentry will offer brief remarks about the upcoming gubernatorial races in Virginia and New Jersey, as well as special elections around the country, and will take your questions.
Call in number: 888-282-8359
Passcode: RNC WOMEN
Don't forget to sign up at RNCwomen.com to get involved with the RNC Women's Program and interact with Republican women activists from around the country. Follow us on Twitter and join our Facebook Cause Page - GOP Women Care.
Together we can WIN. Thanks for all that you do.
God bless America,
RNC Women's Program